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Internal Server ERROR 500


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čelým zas a raz nejakej chybe s PrestaShop-om a riešenie som na zahraničných fórach nenašiel, možno ste si tým  už niekto prešli:

Najprv vypisovalo len Internal Server Error 500, po spustení núdzového režimu v defines.inc.php sa chyba zmenila na nasledovnú:

Link to database cannot be established: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No route to host

122. public function connect() 123. { 124. try { 125. $this->link = $this->getPDO($this->server, $this->user, $this->password, $this->database, 5); 126. } catch (PDOException $e) { 127. throw new PrestaShopException('Link to database cannot be established: ' . $e->getMessage()); 128. } 129. 130. $this->link->exec('SET SESSION sql_mode = \'\''); 131. 132. return $this->link;

DbPDOCore->connect - [line 330 - classes/db/Db.php]

DbCore->__construct - [line 241 - classes/db/Db.php] - [4 Arguments]

DbCore::getInstance - [line 47 - config/alias.php]

pSQL - [line 340 - classes/shop/Shop.php] - [1 Arguments]

ShopCore::initialize - [line 119 - config/config.inc.php]

require - [line 27 - index.php] - [1 Arguments]

Nastavenie v defines.php by malo byť v poriadku.



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