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Multistore vs separate sites. Which is better practice for an international site that's expecting high volumes of sales?


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I'm tasked with taking a local site to a few other countries, so we will need separate sites so we can have different currencies, payment gateways, couriers, etc. (The usual stuff - nothing out of the ordinary here).

My concern is based around volumes of transactions per hour. Let's assume we have 200 transactions per hour from 5 countries totaling 1000 transactions per hour.

Is it better to have a totally separate installations of Prestashop, each with their own database, per country where each site manages 200 transactions per hour, or...

Is it better to have a single installation with multistore active with a single shared database that processes all 1000 transactions?

The multistore feature is really quite pleasant to use, but I'm worried that in a year's time, I'm going to wish I'd created separate sites with their own databases due to limited processing capacity.

I guess the heart of my question is "how many transactions per hour can Prestashop reliably process before it struggles? (assuming the hosting is not a bottle neck. That it is top notch, well cached, part of the Cloudflare network with lots of RAM. Perhaps even a dedicated server.). I've seen tests that have tested the number of products that show the catalogue can reach 1 million products, but nothing about its processing efficiency. (Magento boasts about how many it can process as a reason why it's the most capable of them all, and I've experienced first hand where a WooCommerce site was struggling with just 25 logged in shoppers on shared hosting. As a result, this is a big concern in my life and don't want to get it wrong at this early stage.)


I appreciate your feedback, experiences and opinions. Thanks.


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Is there perhaps a report or article on the pro's and cons of working with Multi-store? I've searched the forum but all I found are people experiencing problems with multi-store which doesn't fill me with confidence (But if there are 20 problem sites compared to 20,000 functioning sites, then a non-issue.)

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Personally i have never used multistore but i think i would go with it as for your needs. Why?

Because it will be easier to manage instead having different database/domains. If you affraid about limits, well having different database could potentially reach it too just  a bit later...

You don't need to invent new wheel... Just check how any other big companies do. They usually have one domain with different content based on user country...

All limits depends on the server u have and how much it can handle at once... and if you have so many sale then u def could spend some money to optimize your server, back office, front office and also modules if need it.


Hope that helps a bit.


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I recommend using a multistor from a programming point of view. The advantages are more than the disadvantages. Disadvantages include, for example, a number of orders, carts and a large increase in the database, specifically the access table (can be easily deleted via Cron).
1000 orders per hour is not dizzying. 5 domains is also fine.
I manage an e-shop that has 14 domains, 180,000 products and approx. 16,000 orders per day, everything is fast (runs on a dedicated server).

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Thanks Mr Tengler. That's exactly the kind of answer I was hoping for. That's a busy shop and a level we hope to reach in a few years time. I was starting to wonder if anyone was using Prestashop on large sites, or if it was being used by small businesses only and all its scalability was pure theory.

On a side note, since you're managing 14 domains, please can you guide me on how you've setup multiple domains. It's easy to add a second store as a folder (domain.com  and  domain.com/uk/) but adding a whole new domain seems to need some preparation. I've tried adding a domain in the settings, but it doesn't allow me to do it so I assume I'm not properly set up to allow for multidomains.

Do I just point the DNS records at my multistore's server, or do I add the domain as an Addon in cPanel, or do I need a separate installation of prestashop for that domain and just add it to my multistore? So many options... not a clue where to start.

Edited by Stephen-FFC (see edit history)
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you have a domain on your web hosting, eg my-domain.com.
for example, my-domain.com has a path to the / var / www / public_html directory.
For a multistore, another domain eg another-domain.com must have an alias set to the main domain, so it must also have a path to the / var / www / public_html directory

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  • 1 year later...
  • 5 months later...
  On 5/8/2022 at 7:36 PM, PrestaHeroes.com said:

It's about database access, get a dedicated server with nvme to ssd.  Also then your mysql config, a decent hosting can.manage your colume with no problem.

Rather than ps multishop consider our multishop module




is it possible to see a demo of the module? From your website is not really clear how it works.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 10/11/2022 at 2:44 AM, Geimsdin said:


is it possible to see a demo of the module? From your website is not really clear how it works.




sorry, we don't have demo, there are some screen shots.  but we really don't do as good a job at marketing as we do developing, and to be honest there is no money selling addons, we only even make public a small number of our modules.

I will say this, of 100's of clients none were using multishop, I think they rest went out of business using it.  PS only recently has attribute 'multishop compliant' in addons,  so most modules/themes were never developed/tested with multishop....


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best experience is one domain using ietf lang/country in url, we produced that module 5 years ago, nobody in euworld even knows what it is


see azure....or really most major US website that do internatinal, also having a 'deliver to (their country)' in header


ccTLD's are dead, multishop will kill your shop...

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  • 1 month later...

hello i have url  www.dmm.fr for france  langue FR

and sam shop in www.dmm.com for international  Langue  US - Spain - german 



but when adding a product in nothing in the .com Does your mod fix this problem? and for seo and language how is it going with you a demo site







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I don't thing the thread starter answered

No one will buy from a shop in a different country if he/she can get it from a local store. So its not only the extension but to have facilities in place on the country you wish to sell to. Consider shipping and customs.

Edited by Nickz (see edit history)
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