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Serious help needed with this problem as my website is really slow.

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Hello All,

I have some real trouble now since two days and try`t almost everything to fix my slow website.
Well i have try`t everything on the site, disabled modules,restore the website from a earlier backup, other database, etc. and nothing helped.
So i contacted today my hosting and they have looked and told me that the server self has no problems, the server was almost 98% idle so no server load but still the site was slow.
So they looked further and discovered that there are a lot off joins that has no index in the database tables, i copied the info they send me take a look please,

Research on the server are the following:
Current join_buffer_size = 132.00 K
You have had 222 queries where a join could not use an index properly
You should enable "log-queries-not-using-indexes"
Then look for non indexed joins in the slow query log.
If you are unable to optimize your queries you may want to increase your
join_buffer_size to accommodate larger joins in one pass.

This shows that joins with tables on which no indexes.
By "log-queries-not-using-indexes" to put in the / etc / my.cnf is made evident to the tables involved.

Current read_buffer_size = 1 M
Current table scan ratio = 11294 : 1
You have a high ratio of sequential access requests to SELECTs
You may benefit from raising read_buffer_size and/or improving your use of indexes.

The above indicates that selects which buffer space shortage.

So what they only can do and will do is to put a my.cnf file with code and log the website and after that 1 or 2 days they let me know what tables has no index so that i can fix it myself in the database true phpadmin.
They say that it is probably prestashop and they can not imagine that more people do not have this problem.

Do you guys have a idea to fix this quick or is there a tool to check, the site is very very slow and customers are running away with this speed.
They also looked on the test server database and the same problem is there also.

My live server runs on PS,
Prestashop version:
PHP version: 5.2.5
MySQL version: 5.1.49

So my live server is almost not accessible anymore .

Best regards,


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Hello Gameer.NetDNA

Thanks for the reply.
Mine problem is also there with PS 1.4.xx that is fully optimized like Memcache,mcrypt,CCC,etc.
Now my server is temporary upgraded to a vps1 server with 3gb memory,50gb space,ect, but still performance issue, been trying everything now for 6 days and still not what it has to be.

Can you tell me how CDN works and how to implement that in a Prestashop installation ? Is there a manual how to do this ?


Bets regards,


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  • 1 year later...

Hello ysco,


Has your performance issue been solved satisfactory? Also we have a big performance issue and upgrading to a better VPS-server didn't help. The site is: www.tracpartz.nl and we use Prestashop Version


Our webhost tells us that the MySQL load is very high and they think it is because of the table joins that are executed on a table with more than two million records "ps_connections_page".


They advise us to ask for advise / help from the developer of the site,. That would be Prestashop I assume?

This is what our webhost tells us in dutch:


Uw VPS is overgezet naar een andere VPS node. De site tracpartz.nl laadt iets sneller, maar echt heel snel is het nog steeds niet. Ik heb ook een andere mysql config geladen die over het algemeen voor wat snelheidswinst zou moeten zorgen. De MySQL load blijft zeer hoog. Ik ben daarna even in uw database gedoken en ik denk dat ik de oorzaak heb gevonden. Uw website voert table joins uit op een tabel met meer dan twee miljoen records "ps_connections_page". Table joins zorgen vaak voor vertraging, en zeker als het met grote tabellen gebeurt. Ik kan hier niet bepalen of deze tabel belangrijk is en of dat kan worden opgeschoond. U kunt hiervoor het beste advies vragen bij uw developer.


Can anyone please explain what to do? At this moment the website is sometimes a few minutes unavailable to us working in the backoffice but also to our customers... This is not good for business and very frustrating to work with.


Greetings Theo Kerger

Edited by TracPartz (see edit history)
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