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Julien Lux

Julien Lux

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I have a prestashop with a gdpr module "Official GDPR compliance v1.0.4 - by PrestaShop".
I'm working on the 1.7 version. So I did download the version  and did the migration. I've got a few errors that I managed to fix (some rights issues for instance) but well after that I had my prestashop working. 
I did the inventory of the module present in my 1.6 and not present in my 1.7 and found out that a few were missing despite the fact they were made by Prestashop.
Long story short, the officiel gdpr one and a few others (gamification...) are missing.
From the administration when I look for it, nothing is showing.
I found out the name of the module "psgdpr". And the folder doesn't exist in the directory "modules" after migration. But it exists before migration in the fresh prestashop.
I found a log file about the migration :

*INFO*     v1.7.6.7    2020/08/22 - 19:01:53: Native module gamification already installed
*INFO*     v1.7.6.7    2020/08/22 - 19:01:55: Installing native module ps_googleanalytics
*INFO*     v1.7.6.7    2020/08/22 - 19:01:55: Installing native module psaddonsconnect
*INFO*     v1.7.6.7    2020/08/22 - 19:01:55: Native module psgdpr already installed

So I tried to copy the folder psgdpr from the frensh prestashop to  the migrated one. 
And now when I look for it in the administration I see it but with the information of the old version of my 1.6 prestashop..
So it asks me to upgrade it and of course i get a red error it cannot upgrade it and I should try to login again.
But nothing is changing..

So how do you uninstall a native module completely to reinstall it ?

Thank you in advance !

Oh and btw when I compare the migrated prestashop and a fresh one that's the list of the missing modules in my migrated one, I don't know how important those modules are (but checkout is scary..)

Julien Lux

Julien Lux


I have a prestashop with a gdpr module "Official GDPR compliance v1.0.4 - by PrestaShop".
I'm working on the 1.7 version. So I did download the version  and did the migration. I've got a few errors that I managed to fix (some rights issues for instance) but well after that I had my prestashop working. 
I did the inventory of the module present in my 1.6 and not present in my 1.7 and found out that a few were missing despite the fact they were made by Prestashop.
Long story short, the officiel gdpr one and a few others (gamification...) are missing.
From the administration when I look for it, nothing is showing.
I found out the name of the module "psgdpr". And the folder doesn't exist in the directory "modules" after migration. But it exists before migration in the fresh prestashop.
I found a log file about the migration :

*INFO*     v1.7.6.7    2020/08/22 - 19:01:53: Native module gamification already installed
*INFO*     v1.7.6.7    2020/08/22 - 19:01:55: Installing native module ps_googleanalytics
*INFO*     v1.7.6.7    2020/08/22 - 19:01:55: Installing native module psaddonsconnect
*INFO*     v1.7.6.7    2020/08/22 - 19:01:55: Native module psgdpr already installed

So I tried to copy the folder psgdpr from the frensh prestashop to  the migrated one. 
And now when I look for it in the administration I see it but with the information of the old version of my 1.6 prestashop..
So it asks me to upgrade it and of course i get a red error it cannot upgrade it and I should try to login again.
But nothing is changing..

So how do you uninstall a native module completely to reinstall it ?

Thank you in advance !

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