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psgdpr not present in 1.7 after migration - reinstall a native module

Julien Lux

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I have a prestashop with a gdpr module "Official GDPR compliance v1.0.4 - by PrestaShop".
I'm working on the 1.7 version. So I did download the version  and did the migration. I've got a few errors that I managed to fix (some rights issues for instance) but well after that I had my prestashop working. 
I did the inventory of the module present in my 1.6 and not present in my 1.7 and found out that a few were missing despite the fact they were made by Prestashop.
Long story short, the officiel gdpr one and a few others (gamification...) are missing.
From the administration when I look for it, nothing is showing.
I found out the name of the module "psgdpr". And the folder doesn't exist in the directory "modules" after migration. But it exists before migration in the fresh prestashop.
I found a log file about the migration :

*INFO*     v1.7.6.7    2020/08/22 - 19:01:53: Native module gamification already installed
*INFO*     v1.7.6.7    2020/08/22 - 19:01:55: Installing native module ps_googleanalytics
*INFO*     v1.7.6.7    2020/08/22 - 19:01:55: Installing native module psaddonsconnect
*INFO*     v1.7.6.7    2020/08/22 - 19:01:55: Native module psgdpr already installed

So I tried to copy the folder psgdpr from the frensh prestashop to  the migrated one. 
And now when I look for it in the administration I see it but with the information of the old version of my 1.6 prestashop..
So it asks me to upgrade it and of course i get a red error it cannot upgrade it and I should try to login again.
But nothing is changing..

So how do you uninstall a native module completely to reinstall it ?

Thank you in advance !

Oh and btw when I compare the migrated prestashop and a fresh one that's the list of the missing modules in my migrated one, I don't know how important those modules are (but checkout is scary..)

Edited by Julien Lux
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So I've changed manually the version in the database to the new version and it seems okay. for psgdpr it seems okay.
for gamification it's kinda okay, the css is messed up. The badges are shown vertically instead of horizontally..

When you install those modules,  you just upload the files to the folder /modules or it could upload files elsewhere as well ? (like some css)

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