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Control Panel on Server is not redirecting 301s in Prestashop

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Hello, I have a problem with my redirect coding.

Here's the problem - After updating to the latest version of Prestashop I lost a product page along the way and had to create a new one. The URL is different from the old one so I tried to add a permanent 301 redirect to my domain control panel feature since the original was fairly high in the search engines.

I cannot get the 301 to direct - It simply goes into the shopping cart and displays a broken page - See Page - http://www.softplanetgroup.com/buy/notation-software/10-sibelius-6-educational.html

Is this anything to do with .htaccess which resides in Prestashop?

Any help is much appreciated.


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Do you think the .htaccess file in prestashop is affecting my control panel redirects and would it do any harm to remove it?

Yes, I think it is the .htaccess reqwrite in action.

I checked your site, you foillowing URL will be explained as Category "notation-software" and product "sibelius-6-educational" with id=10

if you don't have product with id=10, then the 404 error will occur
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Hello, thanks for the info - would it be safe to remove the .htaccess file in prestashop so that my control panel redirects work? And, if so, would I need to change anything inside Prestashop so that it functions ok?

Or, is it possible to add a redirection within the .htaccess file itself?

I previously tried adding this code but it didn't work

redirect 301 /buy/notation-software/10-sibelius-6-educational.html http://www.softplanetgroup.com/buy/computer-music/177-sibelius-6-education-price.html

Any help much appreciated.

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If you remove .htaccess file, then you have to disable "Freindly URL" of PrestaShop, you can change this from back office.
but I think this is drawback action of you PrestaShop SEO.

Why not just change your redirect URL to match rewrite rules in .htaccess so that it will redirect to a correct page?

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