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Availability information on the In Stock

Maria Costa

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This is not advice for a few minutes.
If you do not have programming knowledge of Prestashop, it is difficult for anyone to advise.
It would be best to hire someone to modify it.
In your case, just look at the addFlags function in the ./src/Core/Product/ProductPresenter.php file.
You will create your own condition and create your own CSS style.


if ($product['quantity'] > 0) {
            $flags['in-stock'] = array(
                'type' => 'custom-in-stock',
                'label' => $this->translator->trans('Custom in stock', array(), 'Shop.Theme.Catalog'),
        if ($product['quantity'] < 1) {
            $flags['out-of-stock'] = array(
                'type' => 'custom-out-of-stock',
                'label' => $this->translator->trans('Custom out of stock', array(), 'Shop.Theme.Catalog'),


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Or it can be done more simply by editing the TPL template and creating a css style.
E.g. ./themes/classic/templates/catalog/_partials/miniatures/product.tpl








When you upgrade to Prestashop 1.7.6 and higher, there is already a "actionProductFlagsModifier" hook, which can be used in the module and change your own label as you wish.

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23 horas atrás, Guest disse:

Ou pode ser feito de forma mais simples editando o modelo TPL e criando um estilo css.
Por exemplo, ./themes/classic/te mplates / catalog / _partials / miniatures / product.tpl

product.tpl :







Quando você atualiza para Prestashop 1.7.6 e superior, já existe um gancho "actionProductFlagsModifier", que pode ser usado no módulo e alterar seu próprio rótulo como desejar.


Hello, thank you very much for your help,  should i paste this code in product.tpl?




I apologize for my English 

Edited by Maria Costa (see edit history)
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