I have a additional product object (called 'condition_extra') which exists in 3 languages.
Now I have a problem:
I made a new column 'condition_extra' in the import document. When importing in a language the other languages are overwritten in the column ps_product_lang.
What I did:
a. Add a new column in ps_product_lang called 'condition_extra'
b. I made an override in override/controllers/admin/AdminImportController.php:
I added:
about line 78:
'condition_extra' => array('AdminImportController', 'createMultiLangField'),
about line 305:
'condition_extra' => array('label' => $this->l('Zustand Zusatz')),
about line 475:
'condition_extra' => array('AdminImportController', 'createMultiLangField'),
Can anybody help me to solve this problems?