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Set prefered Shipping costs


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I have a problem with shipping and carriers. I hope that someone can help.

I have 3 carriers set with 3 different settings:
Carrier 1: price 8€, free shipping above 49€
Carrier 2: price 8€, free shipping above 99€
Carrier 3: price 10€, free shipping above 99€

Carrier 1 is forced only for a 1st group of products
Carrier 2 is the general available carrier
Carrier 3 is forced only for a 2nd group of products

When, in the cart I have products from the 3 differnt groups the shipping prices are summed together and free shipping is met only when all groups have enough products to meet the 2 different free shipping prices 49 and 99€.

But what I need is that the "highest" Carrier is chosen when products from the different groups are in the cart:
that is chosen Carrier 2 if in the cart there are groups 1 or 2
that is chosen Carrier 3 if in the cart there are groups  1, 2 or 3
obviuosly that Carrier 1 is chosen if in the cart there is only group 1.

I hope that I explained myself clearly enough.

Thank you in advance,

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