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Migrate a Prestashop v1.6.1.23 to a New Domain


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Hi friends,

I am a starter with Prestashop but have reasonable good knowledge of WordPress.

I have been tasked to migrate a Prestashop Shop from one server to another server and onto a new domain as well [into a sub-folder]. I have achieved the initial part of migrating this to the new domain and can successfully access it from the subfolder as well e.g., https://nikpaul.com/nikshop/.

Now I want to get rid of 'nikshop' the name of the folder from the Shop URL [back end I don't mind] but haven't been able to resolve it even after struggling for hours. I have even tried to tweak with this setting - I am sure it's possible may be there's some tweak in .htaccess will do the trick here BUT I am lost.


as well but it breaks the entire site, when I try to change this 'Base URI' to say '/', and I have to get into the database and restore it from there. I will really appreciate if someone from the community can come to my rescue.


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Hi Tanver,


from what i read i think you want to reach your shop at https://nikpaul.com...correct?

Well here the problem is that Presta produce an .htaccess file ( when we have Apache server ) that is regenerated in Advanced parameters>Performance--Apache Optimization button.....so everytime you move a shop you should delete .htacess from root and you should regenerate by that button.....friendly url is another matter:-)

Well but the problem is that -htaccess is generated to work inside the directory where PS is installed so..if you have a subfolder the url will have a sudfolder url to work....But if i'm not wrong you can install PS in a subfolder but leaving the url without sub-follder simply modifing the .htaccess file like this.....

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.nikipaul.com$

RewriteRule ^(/)?$nikshop [L]



I think it can work...try it:-)


I hope you fix it



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Hi @Pablus, I already have it like you have suggested but it has not produced the desired results.

@Fabry I am sure this .htaccess is the way to go BUT unfortunately has not worked either, let me restate the thing again here.

What I am trying to achieve is to get an end URL https://nikpaul.com/ for the visitors, where my PS remains installed in the Subfolder [nikshop], with an absolute path like https://nikpaul.com/nikshop/.

Note: I have enabled the 'Apache Optimization' switch as suggested, but couldn't understand [so everytime you move a shop you should delete .htacess from root ..] I didn't find any generated .htaccess file in the 'public_html' folder, I do find one in the 'nikshop' folder though - do you want me to move this file in the domain root folder [public_html]?

Thanks for the response for both of you, hope the community will get me through this.


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I was just wondering that in cases when our main domain account points to a sub-folder [directly under public_html] then in those cases can we still access the files [one level above] the sub-folder.

@Pablus I think the way you are suggesting [redirection] the sub-folder in my case 'nikshop' will be visible to the visitors, and I don't want that. I think the solution is to point my main domain to this sub-folder, in this can the domain [https://nikpaul.com] will directly point to the files under subfolder [nikshop], without displaying 'nikshop' in the URL.

Edited by Tanver (see edit history)
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I am puzzled what you want to do. The server directory where your shop url points to is a job of the local DNS. You can set that in Cpanel or whatever similar software you use.

I guess it will be possible to modify .htaccess in such a way that it standard inserts a subdirectory in the url that you give it. But that wouldn't be a wise solution. And it isn't implemented in Prestashop.

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@musicmaster I am sorry if it's caused some confustion to you, let me try to explain it again here.

I have a domain [main] which points to the 'public_html' folde, thatr is the standard practice and normal domain's default URL is https://nikpaul.com/

I have installed my PS shop in a sub-folder called 'nikshop' which is directly below this domain's root folder I mean 'public_html', which can be accessed as https://nikpaul.com/nikshop

Now all I want to achieve is to find out a way to access this domain by using the root url [https://nikpaul.com/] while leaving my source files in the sub-folder 'nikshop', which I know is possible using some .htaccess and have tried to figure it out by placing an .htaccess the 'public_html' folder.

Hope now it's at least understood correctly, as to what I am trying to achieve, and someone from the community can advise me even if it's possibe in PS [know it can be done in WordPress, and other PHP frameworks].

Thanks for reading!

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I just got the opportunity to revisit the entire episode and figured it out that I have missed on resetting the 'Base URI' back to '/' from '/nikshop' - which I set earlier while migrating the domain from another host and URL. All I have to do  was to set it to '/' and put the following in my htaccess at 'public_html' folder.

Now I have this in my .htaccess file ..

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.+)$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^ http://%1%{REQUEST_URI} [NE,R=301,L]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.)?nikpaul\.com$
RewriteRule !^nikshop/ /nikshop%{REQUEST_URI} [L]

Sorry for creating confusion and thanks again for the help extended to me .. Glad it worked!

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@Pablus yes this 'Hi, if you point your domain to a sub-folder..' this should have worked BUT wouldn't have been a good practice.

What if the client wanted to host another domain [bear in mind the webroot for this domain would have been shifted to 'public_html/nikshop']? - the folder or installations files for this new domain will have to reside under this sub-folder [which is the domain root].

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