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Add to cart not working in Apple products


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Hello every one.
Can a very kind person please help me with a problem I have that is killing me.

I had a developer who made my website, since I have no clue about programming, and since he did a very bad job, I have had many problems. 
I have had problems with the ad to cart not working at all from apple products, neither from Firefox nor Internet Explore . He fixed it and somehow it just stopped working 

I have not changed anything at all. The only module I have installed is the Google analytic for Prestashop 1.7. I am not sure if it is this that causing.
Any way , I am loosing few possible sells because the ad to cart is not working at all. 

Please can any one help me?   I really hope so :) 
I am using Prestashop  and my website is www.benush.es
Please tell me if you need other information. 
Thanks in advance 

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Thanks for checking out.  

Now working because I did a restore again and did uninstalled and delete the module Google Analytic . 

For sure its this module that give this problem.  Is this normal ? 


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