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HELP: Hack attempt: “no default carrier” message when accessing cart from shop front

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Hi Guy's, I really need some advice , as i have no idea where to start with this problem ,

I'm getting a Hack attempt: "no default carrier" message appear on my shop, when I went to test the front of my shop from a buyers payment procedure . I can add a product (for example an ipod nano) to my cart and "Cart: 1product £189.05" but any attemts to access the cart to get to view cart/payment page come up with the Hack attempt: "no default carrier" message.

any ideas i have tried replaceing the order.php files. Could the fact that i was having trouble putting the files visifire.xap and dbmodel.mwb when uploading Prestashop 1.1 via FTP.

any advise would be greatly appreciated.



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  • 2 years later...

This does not work for me. My problema comes when I select this carrier for example to specific zones.

I t works ok if I select it for example for Spain, or Asia, but if I select Europe or America, gives me this error.

It seems this will happen with every carrier, and it happens to these zones...

Somebody knoes why?


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest danielias

Hola Rodolfo, limpia la caché , después de hacer el cambio ( CTROL+SHIFT+SUPRIMIR)

Actualiza (F5)

y verás los cambios



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Yo lo hice y no me funciono. El workaround que sin embargo si me ha funcionado, es pasar todos los países a una zona nueva, que he llamado Europa menos España. Evidentemente, no he incluido España entre los países de esta zona. Lo hice por probar, porque me chirrió, y la verdad es que ahora me va perfectamente.

Muchas gracias

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Hola Rodolfo, limpia la caché , después de hacer el cambio ( CTROL+SHIFT+SUPRIMIR)

Actualiza (F5)

y verás los cambios



Tras el ultimo cambio que hice, me volvio a suceder, me acorde de tu post. Lo he hecho asi, y funciona perfectamente, muchas gracias. La experiencia es la madre de la ciencia¡¡¡
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