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How to get all order id having status completed in prestashop ?

Hamendra Sunthwal

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I get timeout when i try to change orderstatus in prestashop not sure what is missing.


I get timeout when i try to change orderstatus in prestashop not sure what is missing.

$sts_id          = $_POST['status_id'];
$order_box       = $_POST['orderBox'];
$selected_orders = implode(",", $order_box);
$get_orders      = 'SELECT id_order FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders` WHERE  id_order in (' . $selected_orders . ') and current_state !=' . $sts_id;
$get_order_id    = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($get_orders);

if (count($get_order_id) > 0) {
    $order_to_convert = array_column($get_order_id, 'id_order');
    foreach ($order_to_convert as $odr_id) {
        $objOrder          = new Order($odr_id);
        $history           = new OrderHistory();
        $history->id_order = (int) $objOrder->id;
        $history->changeIdOrderState($sts_id, (int) ($objOrder->id));




Edited by Hamendra Sunthwal (see edit history)
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I have never had much luck finding any documentation on the data-model - if you do find any, share the URL!

Here is what I use for PAID orders - you can change the ORD.current_state=.. to the state you are interested in.

        ORD.reference     AS order_ref,
        ORD.date_add      AS order_date,
        OL.name           AS order_status,
        ORD.valid         AS order_valid,
        CONCAT( CU.firstname, ' ', CU.lastname ) AS customer,
        LOWER( CU.email ) AS email,
        AD.city           AS City,
        CL.name           AS country,
        ORD.payment       AS payment_type,
        ORD.total_paid_tax_incl   as total_paid_incl,
        CY.iso_code as currency
        orders ORD
        LEFT JOIN   customer CU         ON ( CU.id_customer = ORD.id_customer )
        LEFT JOIN   address AD          ON ( AD.id_address = ORD.id_address_delivery )
        LEFT JOIN   country_lang CL     ON ( CL.id_country = AD.id_country AND CL.id_lang = 1 )
        LEFT JOIN   order_state_lang OL ON ( OL.id_order_state = ORD.current_state AND OL.id_lang = 1 )
        LEFT JOIN   currency CY         ON ( CY.id_currency = ORD.id_currency )
        ORD.current_state = 2
        ORD.date_add, ORD.id_order


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