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Warning : A non-numeric value encountered - Smarty


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Hi folks,

Thank you for time in advance !

PHP : 7.1

I have a recuring error in my server's log :

[Mon Aug 17 11:25:08.553613 2020] [:error] [pid 21242:tid 139880573372160] [client] FastCGI: server "/.fpm/php5.external" stderr: PHP message: PHP Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /cache/smarty/compile/66/d2/5f/66d25fe169f180ec3efa80bf39d13c4d7386e01f.file.product.tpl.php on line 1684


This file is compiled by Smarty so even when I take a look at the file I just don't get how I can fix this error :

<?php echo $_smarty_tpl->smarty->registered_plugins[Smarty::PLUGIN_FUNCTION]['addJsDef'][0][0]->addJsDef(array('productBasePriceTaxExcluded'=>floatval(($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['product']->value->getPrice(false,null,6,null,false,false)-$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['product']->value->ecotax))),$_smarty_tpl);?>


After searching here and there I wasn't able to find something :(

Can someone help me please ?

Thank you for your time ! :)




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It seems that the problem come from the product.tpl file in thoses lines :

{addJsDef productPriceTaxExcluded=($product->getPriceWithoutReduct(true)|default:'null' - $product->ecotax)|floatval}
{addJsDef productPriceTaxIncluded=($product->getPriceWithoutReduct(false)|default:'null' - $product->ecotax)|floatval}

Maybe the "default:'null'" ?

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Okay so changing the two line from previous post by thoses ones seems to do the trick :


{addJsDef productPriceTaxExcluded=($product->getPriceWithoutReduct(true)|floatval - $product->ecotax|floatval* (1 + $ecotaxTax_rate / 100))|floatval}
{addJsDef productPriceTaxIncluded=($product->getPriceWithoutReduct(false)|floatval - $product->ecotax|floatval * (1 + $ecotaxTax_rate / 100))|floatval}



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