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Multi store: sync products continuously


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I have enabled multi store with enabled shared quantities.

But I need to every time that a product added/updated in shop A also be added/updated in shop B.

I need this to done continuously after creating second shop.

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  • 3 years later...

Sorry for the late response.
In a German forum this question was asked and answered. I also tested it with demo stores. I just try to give here a clearer answer as I was looking for this too.

Prestashop info: https://docs.prestashop-project.org/1.7-documentation/user-guide/managing-multiple-stores/sample-usages-and-specifics

You can sync your products through all shops only. You cannot sync it trough groups. Clear cash after you've changed your product in 'all shops' and then check in your detailed shops below in the same group and in other goups. You will see the changes in qty and texts for example. If you just change quantities and use the selection 'sharing product quantities', you will not see text changed automatically.

What I do not know is how an order is being conducted as I have not tested it. Or in other words, I do not know wheather you need for this case exactly the feature 'sharing product quantities'.

Be informed, if you use 'all shops' level for one specific product than all products in all shop groups are being changed with the same new data. This means, if you set a price through for one specific product in one specific shop and after this you set an other price for the same product ID in 'all shops' mode, the price will be changed in all shops. You must make sure what you need and only change products in 'all shops' mode which are all for all shops to be changed. If you need on product only for one shop, than make sure to have this product stored with another product ID.

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