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PrestaShop not translating properly, product name bug

Azzano Bijoux

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I can't understand on my website some of the product aren't getting the correct translation. 

And for some of them, the name of the product is not copied properly, it takes name from other similar product.

For example in this page https://azzanobijoux.com/en/recherche?controller=search&orderby=position&orderway=desc&search_query=yamanda&submit_search= ,I'm searching for "Yamanda" necklace, and as you can see on the attached pictures, the first 3 products are named "Yamanda" but the third one is "Yamila" and not "Yamanda". 
It's like that for some product on my website.

Can you help me fix the problem please ? 

How can I fix it ? 

My prestashop version is 






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7 minutes ago, Knowband Plugins said:

Are you sure that you have added the correct translation of the products in English version from the admin panel?


Isn't it automatic ? some product are okay, some are not okay ..

I don't really understand the behavior. If i put a product name in french the english version should be the same, no ?

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