I created a specific theme for PS in mails > themes and I would like to add a sentence in the components > footer.html.twig
In Classic theme I saw this code:
{{ '<a href="{shop_url}">{shop_name}</a> powered by <a href="{prestashop_url}">PrestaShop™</a>'|trans({'{prestashop_url}': 'https://www.prestashop.com/?utm_source=marchandprestashop&utm_medium=e-mail=utm_campaign=footer_1-7'}, 'Emails.Body', locale)|raw }}
So I tried to use trans() like this:
{{ 'My sentence'|trans({}, 'Emails.Body', locale)|raw }}
But I've got no clue where I'm supposed to translate it now! I looked in back-office translations but couldn't find it anywhere.
Some help will really be appreciated!