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[SOLVED] Email theme - template string translation

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I created a specific theme for PS in mails > themes and I would like to add a sentence in the components > footer.html.twig

In Classic theme I saw this code:

{{ '<a href="{shop_url}">{shop_name}</a> powered by <a href="{prestashop_url}">PrestaShop™</a>'|trans({'{prestashop_url}': 'https://www.prestashop.com/?utm_source=marchandprestashop&utm_medium=e-mail=utm_campaign=footer_1-7'}, 'Emails.Body', locale)|raw }}

So I tried to use trans() like this:

{{ 'My sentence'|trans({}, 'Emails.Body', locale)|raw }}

But I've got no clue where I'm supposed to translate it now! I looked in back-office translations but couldn't find it anywhere.

Some help will really be appreciated!

Edited by Minsky_ae (see edit history)
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  • 7 months later...
Le 14/08/2020 à 8:49 AM, Minsky_ae a dit :

I found help by asking on Stack Over Flow 😐 : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63371581/prestashop-translation-in-email-theme/63375857#63375857

I added a row in the YOURPREFIX_translation table with those value:
- id_lang: 1

- key: My English sentence

- translation: My translanted sentence

- domain: EmailsBody
- theme: mytheme


The post is a bit old, but you just saved my day !!

I could finally solve the problem of translating subjects of emails from ps_emailalerts modules, which doesn't even bother itself to create those lines in ps_translation table, or at least an easy way to do it ouserlves.

It is also just incredible that the Translations page of Back Office doesn't allow to do that easily. Noooo... You have to hit directly into the database to make a such a dummy thing.

Thanks again !

Edited by Odjavel (see edit history)
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