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Email is required while creating new supplier


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I'm using Prestashop in multistore mode. I haven't used the Supplier feature before, but now I'd like to do so. But when I try to create new supplier, always get the errors - Email is required & address is not correct.

There is no field to put the e-mail in. Address format should be fine too. My Presta isn't modified that much, probably these errors are caused by some module (maybe they are not?). Becuase I tried to create new supplier on clean PS 1760 install on my localhost and it went well. But - can anybody point me to some direction please? I tried to check the override folder, but didn't find anything. It should be caused by some ovverride, shouldn't it?

Tried to google these for some time, searched this forum (I thought it may be just 1760 bug), wasn't sucessful either 😕 


Thank you very much for your time and help.



Screenshot 2020-08-07 at 14.54.39.png

Edited by JanHavlicek (see edit history)
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thank you for the reply. I checked it more deeply and when I disable all non-prestashop modules in Performance section, it starts working and I'm able to create new supplier. So yes, it's caused by some module, but I don't know, how to trace it down. I tried to uninstall all non-presta modules one by one, but it didn't start working


And yes, B2B mode enabled :) 

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