I'm writing the script to put all website in maintenance mode. The bash script is dynamic so it will identify which user to put into maintenace mode, using sql statement is not good here to identify which web_user. So if there is a way like using file based maintenance mode (like wordpress) I really like to know this:
#web_user="userwordpress" #web_domain="mywsite.com" #web_sub_folder="www" #web_type="wordpress" #maintenance_status=1 #1 = on, #0 = off web_user="userprestashop" web_domain="mypssite.com" web_sub_folder="www" web_type="prestashop" maintenance_status=1 #1 = on, #0 = off if [ $maintenance_status == 1 ]; then if [ "$web_type" == "wordpress" ]; then echo "[$script_name | info]: Turning on server maintenance mode for user $web_user" | tee -a $REPORT_FILE maintenance_file="/home/$web_user/domains/$web_domain/public_html/$web_sub_folder/.maintenance" if [ -f $maintenance_file ]; then echo "[$script_name | info]: OK, the website of $web_domain is already in a maintenance mode" | tee -a $REPORT_FILE else touch $maintenance_file echo "# AUTO GENERATED BY MAXIRSYNC BACKUP CRON" >> $maintenance_file echo "<?php" >> $maintenance_file echo "$upgrading = time();" >> $maintenance_file echo "?>" >> $maintenance_file chmod 644 $maintenance_file chown $web_user:$web_user echo "[$script_name | info]: OK, the website of $web_domain is now under maintenance mode" | tee -a $REPORT_FILE fi fi if [ "$web_type" == "prestashop" ]; then # Prestashop put maintenance mode fi else # maintenance status = 0 if [ "$web_type" == "wordpress" ]; then if [ -f $maintenance_file ]; then rm -f $maintenance_file fi else # Prestashop put back live mode fi fi