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Strange error on one language

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i've got strange situation. I've installed GB language, then i installed DE language. So I've got three languages in shop: 

https://shinydream.pl/pl/ (works perfect)

https://shinydream.pl/gb/ (works perfect)



which don't work and there is error on main page: 

Fatal error: Uncaught Symfony\Component\Config\Util\Exception\XmlParsingException: [ERROR 522] Validation failed: no DTD found ! (in n/a - line 2, column 21) [ERROR 76] Opening and ending tag mismatch: note line 991 and xliff (in n/a - line 1224, column 9) [ERROR 77] Premature end of data in tag trans-unit line 988 (in n/a - line 1225, column 1) [ERROR 77] Premature end of data in tag body line 987 (in n/a - line 1225, column 1) [ERROR 77] Premature end of data in tag file line 986 (in n/a - line 1225, column 1) [ERROR 77] Premature end of data in tag xliff line 2 (in n/a - line 1225, column 1) in /home/shinyd/domains/shinydream.pl/public_html/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Config/Util/XmlUtils.php:62 Stack trace: #0 /home/shinyd/domains/shinydream.pl/public_html/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Config/Util/XmlUtils.php(131): Symfony\Component\Config\Util\XmlUtils::parse('<?xml version="...', NULL) #1 /home/shinyd/domains/shinydream.pl/public_html/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Tran in /home/shinyd/domains/shinydream.pl/public_html/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Translation/Loader/XliffFileLoader.php on line 56


I tried to reintall DE language, but this didn't resolve problem. What should i do? My PS version:


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