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database backup woes

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Hello PS-fellows! :)

I feel a disturbance in the Force when it comes to backing up the database.

Using the Tools > Database backup creates a, say 110 KB db_backup-by-pstools.sql.bz2 file but a mysqldump pstable -h pshost.tld -u psadmin -p > psbackup.sql yields a completely different result even after compression with the maximum level... Usually the mysqldump-generated files are x10 bigger than the ones created with the PS backup tool.

Is there any reason for that?? and, which .sql file should I use to restore or move the PS installation to another location?

Thanks and regards

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PrestaShop db backup has an option of "Backup all tables", if you choose "no", it only back core tables.
not include the some large data tables such as ps_connections, ps_connections_page,...

If you didn't select "yes", then this might be the main reason the size are different.

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now the question would be: if older versions don't feature the new backup modes described on #1 ... which .sql file should we use to have a proper backup or migrate from one server to another? the one generated by the "Tools > Database backup"-thing or a plain mysqldump ??


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