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Revolution Slider don't shows in DisplayTopColumns?


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Hello community! I come back for help. I have already installed Revolution Slider... but for some reason I can't make it show in DisplayTopColumns. However if I hook it to DisplayTop... it works. The problem is that it appear in all pages of my store. I will be very thankful if someone can help me with this. Thanks!!!

My website is https://www.ohmyicons.com/en/  and as you see the Revolution Slider is not showing.


Edited by DArnaez (see edit history)
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  • 3 months later...

Hi there, 

According to prestashop architecture, this displayTop hook loads directly to the template file which is why display header hooks loads after it and the css and js dont load on time.

You can use display header hook for the slider and then put it ontop of the page. 


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