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Bad SQL query Unknown column 'sa.active' in 'where clause'


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Hello dear PrestaShop friends and developers,

I have Prestashop version and get an issue in back office on Monitoring page.

Bad SQL query
Unknown column 'sa.active' in 'where clause'

... And I don't see products without pictures anymore on Monitoring page.

I din't find any solution on Google.

Could you please provide me with help, how to resolve this issue?

Thank you very much!

Anotācija 2020-07-30 112219.jpg

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Insert in classes / controller / AdminController.php at line 898 this code snippet:
if(!empty($filters['trackingproducts_without_photoFilter_active'])){ $alias = 'a'; }

This should be like this:

if (isset($value[1]) && !empty($value[1])) { if (!Validate::isDate($value[1])) { $this->errors[] = $this->trans('The \'To\' date format is invalid (YYYY-MM-DD)', array(), 'Admin.Notifications.Error'); } else { $sql_filter .= ' AND '.pSQL($key).' <= \''.pSQL(Tools::dateTo($value[1])).'\''; } } } else { $sql_filter .= ' AND '; $check_key = ($key == $this->identifier || $key == '`'.$this->identifier.'`'); $alias = ($definition && !empty($definition['fields'][$filter]['shop'])) ? 'sa' : 'a';

---> if(!empty($filters['trackingproducts_without_photoFilter_active'])){ $alias = 'a'; } <--- inserted

if ($type == 'int' || $type == 'bool') { $sql_filter .= (($check_key || $key == '`active`') ? $alias.'.' : '').pSQL($key).' = '.(int)$value.' '; } elseif ($type == 'decimal') { $sql_filter .= ($check_key ? $alias.'.' : '').pSQL($key).' = '.(float)$value.' '; } elseif ($type == 'select') { $sql_filter .= ($check_key ? $alias.'.' : '').pSQL($key).' = \''.pSQL($value).'\' '; } elseif ($type == 'price') { $value = (float)str_replace(',', '.', $value); $sql_filter .= ($check_key ? $alias.'.' : '').pSQL($key).' = '.pSQL(trim($value)).' '; } else { $sql_filter .= ($check_key ? $alias.'.' : '').pSQL($key).' LIKE \'%'.pSQL(trim($value)).'%\' '; }

I found this solution on https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/issues/14923

I inserted it directly but it is better to put it in the override so it would not be overwritten when a update is made.


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Hello, In AdminMyworldProducts controller. you show product  and you try to handle  the sorting of the product. In your sorting query you use  sa.active

for filter , you an check your table name is alias with sa in the query or you have different alias. This occur some time when we copy paste the query from other place :)


If you paste the code of your AdminMyworldProducts code then we can check and give you a right answer


Thank you

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