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Duplicated Primary Keys


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Hi! We are experiencing this for a long time now, in the version 1.6 we had this on our systems that uploaded all the information to the server, but never in the store itself, but now, we are having "duplicated entry for Primary Key" too often. 

One exemple, we have "Multibanco" that generates a reference for our customers to pay, but most of the times, it is not generated because and "duplicated key" comes in, and everithing crashes.

Any thing that we can do to this?


Thanks in advance

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Set the id_order column in the ps_orders table to autoincrement.
Maybe there will be more problems in the database.
If you do not have any knowledge of Prestashop, PHP and SQL, do not make any modifications and hire someone for the job.

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Hi there! the problem i don't think to be the auto increment, because is happens randomly... as i have noticed before, that happening in other tables also randomly!


any other idea? meanwhile i will look into the autoincrement...



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