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Problems carrier preferences and cart

Cristina Bornes

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Hello, there is a problem that can have a very negative impact when processing a cart,

My prestashop version is and there is no way to order the carriers by price, I set it in the order settings but it does not display correctly in the front office. Give a random value.

I give you an example:

I have 6 carriers in the following order:

Peninsular 6.90
Free 0
Canary Islands Maritime 12
Baleares Express with discount 13.2
Baleares Express Normal 19.90
Ceuta and Melilla 6.9
Canary Islands with Discount 7
I have configured the access groups unchecking all the visitors, except for 2. So that when a visitor enters, free shipping comes out, but as soon as the process of filling in the guest account, or customer account begins, the price returns and the price of carrier 4, that of the Balearic Islands, comes out. € 13.2, I have changed the preferences by grade, prices, ascending, descending, and nothing does not affect the transport price at all in these steps, and I am going crazy trying things without obtaining the desired result, which is simply that Select the cheapest carrier from the list or only offer a shipping price when an address has been added and is appropriate to the area of that address that is filled out. But there is no way.

This is poorly developed, and if a client who is registering sees that the shipping cost is € 13.2 or € 20, they can directly choose to close the website, which is what is happening to me, I have many abandoned carts ...

Please I need help.

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