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Hi people, someone can help me?

I install a modulo for transport and when I save the changes the page show 500 Internal Server Error and the apache logs show:

[Wed Jul 15 15:26:28.429629 2020] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 1622:tid 140144623470336] [client] AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: default_packet_select in /modules/enviopack/classes/EpackConfig.php on line 227\n', referer: /administration/index.php/improve/modules/manage?_token=W6WAilBQY7KFyJ4GoA-PTZXEwAybhaFGZ7nb8glHC_I

I try uninstall the modulo and reinstaling but the same error appears.

I check permissions and try with 775 with the same result


Edited by cgermanb (see edit history)
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This is a bug in the module.
Contact the module developer.
It does not have a variable defined in the EpackConfig.php file.

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You probably have debug mode turned on in one e-shop and debug mode turned off in the other.
You must delete the dev and prod folders from the ./var/cache folder

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Contact the module developer.

You do not write the difference between the versions of Prestashop that you have.
You write little information.

Realize we can't see what you see on your computer!



Edited by Guest (see edit history)
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this in the logs of presta:

[2020-07-15 11:56:53] request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\UndefinedMethodException: 
"Attempted to call an undefined method named "add_ps_carrier" of class "EpackCarrierManager". Did you mean to call e.g. "addEpCarrier" or "addPsCarrier"?" 
at /modules/enviopack/classes/EpackConfig.php line 380 {"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\Debug\\Exception\\UndefinedMethodException(code: 0):
 Attempted to call an undefined method named \"add_ps_carrier\" of class \"EpackCarrierManager\".\nDid you mean to call e.g. \"addEpCarrier\" or \"addPsCarrier\"? a
t modules/enviopack/classes/EpackConfig.php:380)"} []

Edited by cgermanb (see edit history)
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Hola, es un problema con el módulo de envío pack, claramente no existe el método de clase add_ps_carrier y cuando lo llama en la linea 380 de EpackConfig.php revienta. Estoy en contacto con la gente de soporte de Envío Pack para que arreglen ese bug horrible lo mas pronto posible.

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Buenas, ese error desaparecio y me aparecieron las opciones de envio en transporte, pero no aparecen como opcion en el carrito y en los logs hay un nuevo error

[pid 17754:tid 139939219924736] [client] AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Notice:  Undefined property: OrderController::$step in /modules/enviopack/controllers/hook/getOrderShippingCost.php on line 55\nPHP message: PHP Notice:  Undefined property: OrderController::$step in modules/enviopack/controllers/hook/getOrderShippingCost.php on line 55\n'

Edited by cgermanb (see edit history)
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27 minutes ago, HeineFR said:

¡Atención! su directorio de administración no debe comunicarse en un foro público y no debe ser simple, debe contener una sucesión de caracteres secretos que sin duda le permita identificarse.

gracias, ahi lo modifique

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la verdad que no tiempo ahora como para ponerme a revisar todo el código, solamente lo hice hoy porque un cliente me pidió la instalacion de enviopack. Ademas intenté comunicarme, infructuosamente, con gente de soporte de la empresa para que provean un modulo que funcione.

No entiendo como hace la gente que ya lo tiene instalado (?)

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