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I have a message when I tried to change a Thumbnail:

The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error".Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. I explore the error using debug: the indication is:


CRITICAL 1 :13phpFatal Compile Error: Declaration of AdminAddImageController::setMedia() must be compatible with AdminControllerCore::setMedia($isNewTheme = false)

CRITICAL 2: Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException: "Compile Error: Declaration of AdminAddImageController::setMedia() must be compatible with AdminControllerCore::setMedia($isNewTheme = false)" at /home/customer/www/etre-belle.cr/public_html/modules/owlslideshow/controllers/admin/AdminAddImageController.php line 28

Do you know what should I do?

Thanks Gio

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So according to PHP compatibility chart, your PHP version is not compatible with your version of PrestaShop.

Moreover the module owlslideshow is not compatible with PHP7, you should contact module developer to get an update to fix the issue.

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Hi, I change the PHP decreasing and finally was able to change the Thumbnail from slide show, but regrettably, now a get an Invalid file name message, something done wrong? gently, do you have any ideas which is the problem?

Comments a very appreciated, thanks

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Thank you very much for your kind support, now we were able to change the image, but the size is not as original, is very small, do you have an idea how to know the size of the original so we can set the picture as expected? response will be very appreciated

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Hello, I would appreciate if someone could help me with the following problem: I would like to change the cover of the product categories like in it is shown in the demo of my template (see attached picture).  But I don't know how to do it since in the module - Category features I can't find the button that allows me to change the image. 

Screenshot (571).png

Screenshot (569).png

Screenshot (570).png

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello, I would appreciate if someone could help me with the following topic: I have installed and configured a new payment module, but this option doesn't appear when I want to check out, as it is shown in the picture. My question is how can I add a new button with the new payment option, so that clients can click on it. 

Screenshot (585).png

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