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Can't login Front office if i have products on cart


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I have a website and it's working great. I can login, logout, etc... without any problem but when i have a product on cart and try to login, the login gets stucked and its always loeading the page

I can't go to homepage or anything because it gets stucked after that. It only works if i delete cookiers or remove the products from the cart

Can you help?

Edited by mbwebmaster (see edit history)
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8 minutes ago, PrestaServicePro said:


Activate debug mode of the shop and see the error result. 
Also, check if you have custom modules and disable/enable them one by one. Maybe some of them make a conflict.

When i enable debug mode nothing happens... I don't know why

Will try

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9 minutes ago, PrestaServicePro said:

Could say when did you face this problem?

Also, which module have you installed or modified last time?

Disabled the a custom menu we have... I think it's caused by a variable on the menu that it's showing now on the debug mode...

Wish me luck

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Still not working

It only worked those times because i manually deleted cookies with firebug :(

The debug mode was showing the menu errors and i fixed them already

This cart and login problem is related to cookies since the website only works after deleting them :(


I dont have that many modules and i disabled all of them and still not working

What must be causing this cookie thing?

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