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Always display Customer Reassurance in footer

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I'm trying to get a grip of the Customer Reassurance module. I saw there was a few topic talking about different kind of bugs but I don't reckon any is related to what I'm trying to achieve here.

I'm using the three footer hooks, I have newsletter and social links in displayFooterBefore ; categories, links and my account module in displayFooter; language selector in displayFooterAfter. I also did an override of footer.tpl in my child-theme with some text to be displayed next to displayFooterAfter. Everything's fine.

If I add Customer Reassurance in displayFooterBefore hook, it doesn't show up. If I add it to displayReassurance hook then edit footer.tpl to add the hook:

<div class="container">
  <div class="row">
    {block name='hook_display_reassurance'}
      {hook h='displayReassurance'}
  <div class="row">
    {block name='hook_footer_before'}
      {hook h='displayFooterBefore'}

Then it shows up (it's using the displayBlockProduct.tpl), but only on Product and Cart pages, not on Home or Category pages.


For Home, I can add Customer Reassurance module to displayHome hook (it's using the blockreassurance.tpl) and it shows up, but how may I have it displayed on Category page? Or any other solution (maybe overriding the blockreassurance.php file?) to have it always displayed as a first part of the footer?

Thanks in advance for any help!


EDIT: I reckon a good solution will be to add it to the layout-both-columns.tpl but if I add the hook block as I did in footer.tpl, nothing shows up :(

Edited by Minsky_ae (see edit history)
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For now I hard coded everything in layout-both-columns.tpl but it's definitely not a final solution. Anybody?

I would like to have Reassurance block always displayed before footer (I'll just need to change it when an order is done).

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