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Update Parent Installation Directory (SOLVED)

Jafar Muhammed

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Hello Community,

My host recently migrated all the domains to a different home directory.

Previously, I have installed PrestaShop using Softaculous, and the installation path was /home/users/domains/myshop.com/public_html

Now the new home directory is /home2 instead of /home.

That means /home2/users/domains/myshop.com/public_html

I can access all of my files and databases.

But both my front end back office is showing HTTP 500 Error.

How can I change my directory from /home to /home2 and get back my website up?

Edited by Jafar Muhammed (see edit history)
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1. PrestaShop version

2. enable debug mod 


3. screenshot error messages

Changing the home folder should not affect the running of Prestashop.
Probably some module saved the old path to the files.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)
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Hi @Guest

I checked /phppsinfo.php and see that every requirement and almost all recommendations are met.

I just switched my PHP version, and now I can log in to BO.

Some plages in BO is accessible like Customer Service, Orders etc.

But some pages are still showing the same error. Products, Administration pages are examples.

Within the same hosting, I can install a new PrestaShop without any such errors.

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I thought there would be a bug in the PHP version.
Other errors indicate missing translations.
It's really hard to identify a problem from your posts.
It is necessary to carefully study the error logs that are in the ./var/logs folder.

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1. first delete all files from the logs folder
2. Recall the administration error
3. Upload to the forum files from the logs folder as attachments

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If it's still a problem, it's better to hire someone to work and debug.

It is not possible to repeat indefinitely what has already been solved and how to eliminate the errors.
Several steps are written, such as manually renaming the dev and prod folders in the ./var/cache folder to FTP.

Also turn off override rewriting, turn off non-original Prestashop modules .......

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I wrote to you about clearing the cache before, you just didn't read the whole posts and you didn't do what I wrote you.
Otherwise, you should have solved it a long time ago.

You can give a like by clicking on the gray heart below my posts.
Next, edit the first post and write SOLVED in the topic title.

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