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Unable to update settings in product page prestashop 1.7


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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...
16 hours ago, Joolivus said:

Shop version
debug mode is activated, same error message.

pressing F12 on Mozillla, checking debugger and after hit the [Learn more]:

Unexpected character at line one is typical for when you have debug mode enabled and you make an Ajax call that creates a PHP error. Instead of the expected data the call returns then the error message and that has "unexpected" content. To see the content of the error message see this post:


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Many thanks for your reply. Trying to follow your request and all i got is this from debug (pretty much the same i previously shared here).
The store is actually all damaged, Stock management not working, no New order creation, can not edit any order, no product update, Prestabay module is not working seems like nothing works.
All this started after user deletion couple days ago. Under GDPR compliance law one customer demanded to be removed from database (first time we ever had to).
User got deleted following instructions inside the Official GDPR compliance v1.2.1 - by PrestaShop. I lack technical knowledge, i don't even know where to start actually.
Appreciate your help and time.


Edited by Joolivus (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, PrestaServicePro said:

Need to debug it and if possible pm me your shop access then I can check it for you.
if you have a doubt about security then clone your shop and send me access to the cloned shop and will work over it.

pm sent. cheers

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I create products and their prices and quantities changes randomly. When I try to update these products I see "unable to update products" in product page.

Can you Help me please? thank you. @PrestaServicePro

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  • 3 weeks later...

I created three different virtual products. I can create, but after some time their price are changed randomly(not by me).

When I try to change these products price, type, name etc.  I click save button I see these messages .

"Unable to update settings." red error message on right top. Also, in console:


jQuery.Deferred exception: this.getProductType is not a function checkAccessVariations@https://xyz1.com/admin745mdikw1/themes/default/js/bundle/product/form.js?

Uncaught Error: No Dropzone found for given element. This is probably because you're trying to access it before Dropzone had the time to initialize. Use the `init` option to setup any additional observers on your Dropzone.
    forElement https://xyz1.com/admin745mdikw1/themes/new-theme/public/main.bundle.js:277
    default https://xyz1.com/admin745mdikw1/themes/new-theme/public/product_page.bundle.js?
    u https://xyz1.com/admin745mdikw1/themes/new-theme/public/main.bundle.js:277
    d https://xyz1.com/admin745mdikw1/themes/new-theme/public/main.bundle.js:277
    setTimeout handler*r/< https://xyz1.com/admin745mdikw1/themes/new-theme/public/main.bundle.js:277
    u https://xyz1.com/admin745mdikw1/themes/new-theme/public/main.bundle.js:277
    add https://xyz1.com/admin745mdikw1/themes/new-theme/public/main.bundle.js:277
    then https://xyz1.com/admin745mdikw1/themes/new-theme/public/main.bundle.js:277
    Deferred https://xyz1.com/admin745mdikw1/themes/new-theme/public/main.bundle.js:277
    then https://xyz1.com/admin745mdikw1/themes/new-theme/public/main.bundle.js:277
    ready https://xyz1.com/admin745mdikw1/themes/new-theme/public/main.bundle.js:277
    default https://xyz1.com/admin745mdikw1/themes/new-theme/public/product_page.bundle.js?
    540 https://xyz1.com/admin745mdikw1/themes/new-theme/public/product_page.bundle.js?
    u https://xyz1.com/admin745mdikw1/themes/new-theme/public/main.bundle.js:277
    d https://xyz1.com/admin745mdikw1/themes/new-theme/public/main.bundle.js:277
    setTimeout handler*r/< https://xyz1.com/admin745mdikw1/themes/new-theme/public/main.bundle.js:277
    u https://xyz1.com/admin745mdikw1/themes/new-theme/public/main.bundle.js:277
    fireWith https://xyz1.com/admin745mdikw1/themes/new-theme/public/main.bundle.js:277
    fire https://xyz1.com/admin745mdikw1/themes/new-theme/public/main.bundle.js:277
    u https://xyz1.com/admin745mdikw1/themes/new-theme/public/main.bundle.js:277
    fireWith https://xyz1.com/admin745mdikw1/themes/new-theme/public/main.bundle.js:277


Plus, viewing invoices, creating product, checking orders are loading so slowly..

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  • 2 months later...

Hi !


I'm facing actually the same problem, i can't update or save modification on product page everytime i get this message : "Unable to update settings"

Can anyone please tell me how to fix that ?

- PrestaShop :

- Version de PHP : 7.3.28

Screenshot of error




Thank you in advance


Edited by haitam.chtiba@gmail. (see edit history)
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  • 3 weeks later...

PrestaServicePro you are a star!! You found the solution on my problem. I was going mad for the last 2 days, I couldn't find what was causing this problem. Finally it was a conflict of a module that I bought and installed.
I will definitely have you in mind in the future if I want to buy any service or product from you.
Thank you very much again.
You saved me !


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  • 3 weeks later...
11 minutes ago, haitam.chtiba@gmail. said:

Can you please screenshot what happens in console log message exactly the moment you are updating a product !


As you can see, the product combinations does not load. I am able to save changes untill they load and most of the time it takes like forever.


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On 8/15/2021 at 9:16 PM, haitam.chtiba@gmail. said:

Go to Network and check which files are not loading ! if these files are related to a module look which module is then disable it and try if updating product work 

I have the same issue on a client's shop when updating quantity (multistore

I cannot see that the error is caused by a module, the error shows:



Any ideas what is causing this? There is no "new-theme" when I check via file manager.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 3 months later...

I have the same problem when product save without any combination, it's work but when go with the combination, it throw an error. All starts after user deletion couple days ago use module Official GDPR compliance  by PrestaShop. please help

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I don't think the module has any relation to that. What I could imagine that the Official Prestashop GDPR module uses the same override which some other combination related module, and once the GDPR module has been activate it deleted the other modules override part, which is causing the error. 

can you provide the error seen? 

Also, can you check if you have any combination  related module(one that adds any combination feature etc) 

Kind Regards, 



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18 minutes ago, saladynsan said:

I have the same problem when product save without any combination, it's work but when go with the combination, it throw an error. All starts after user deletion couple days ago use module Official GDPR compliance  by PrestaShop. please help

Only way to do this

1- check combination's quantity, price. Make sure every combination have quantity and price

2: disable the debug mode from performance 

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you should enable the debug mode right before saving the product, and check in the browser's developer tools-> network tab, the 500 error's response tab , where the error/exception will be displayed/explained.

From there it can be seen what module or override is causing the 500 error at saving.

Have a nice day, Leo.

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  • 2 months later...

Absolutely awesome and at the same time, absolutely awful. Such a simple question and so much of an headache...


Worked like a charm.


On 3/19/2020 at 9:59 AM, Mag-WebDesign said:

already faced a little similar issue coming from formatted text in products description that broke the listing theme.

If that can helps, and as said Jetx :
try to remove all html formated tags (no <strong>, no link <a href="">, no italic <i>, etc..) by cliking on the "<>" (code source) while editing the description on products page.
- Don't copy/paste texts (from another text editor for example) in description or verify it doesn't copy formatted html tags.
- For the SEO part, maybe try to "save and go back to catalog" a first time, then try again to fill fields.
- for videos : make sure you enabled in Shop Parameters > General > "Allow iframes on HTML fields"

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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Here is my solution.  in src\PrestaShopBundle\Controller\Admin\ProductController.php around line 604 there's a catch block. 

Replace the following code in the catch block and you can get err msg in network tab of your browser.

if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {

                $error_msg = "In ".$e->getFile()." at line ".$e->getLine()." ".$e->getMessage();

                return $this->returnErrorJsonResponse(





            throw $e;


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  • 3 months later...

Shop Version: Prestashop -

Issue: When I try to add a new product or edit the existing product. - I get the error - CSRF Token is invalid. Unable to update settings in product page.

I tried to downgrade the php version to 7.2 and also cleared the cache but it doesnt help. 

Please help. (Attach the screenshot for your reference)



Screenshot 2023-08-04 at 0.24.35.png

Screenshot 2023-08-04 at 0.22.31.png

Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 9.13.32.png

Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 23.34.49.png

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3 hours ago, praveenmadhava said:

Shop Version: Prestashop -

Issue: When I try to add a new product or edit the existing product. - I get the error - CSRF Token is invalid. Unable to update settings in product page.

I tried to downgrade the php version to 7.2 and also cleared the cache but it doesnt help. 

Please help. (Attach the screenshot for your reference

It has something to do with Twig. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23455780/the-csrf-token-is-invalid-please-try-to-resubmit-the-form

Your first image is not very helpful. When there are several error messages the first one is usually the most interesting and the following ones are just followup errors that are a logical consequence of the first one. But you show only the last ones.

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Thanks a lot. The issue is resolved. It appears that the site under the /toor subfolder utilizes functions that have been depracated in PHP 7.4 and is incompatible with later versions. Custom PHP Handler of PHP 7.3 applied only for the subfolder site and now the editor looks properly and the issue resolved.

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