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How to see which product has no weight value entered

Ra Ra

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Hello i want to ask how i can add colum weight in admin product catalog and sort it.

I want to see which product has no weight value entered.

Is this possible. Is there another way to check which product has no weight value entered?

Thank you!

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Only 0.000000 i test it. I have and integer weight.

Here what i do

1. ./src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/views/Admin/Product/CatalogPage/Lists/list.html.twig


             <span>{{ product.weight|default('0.000000') }}</span>


2. ./src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/views/Admin/Product/CatalogPage/catalog.html.twig

add:  'filter_column_weight': filter_column_weight,


3. ./src/PrestaShopBundle/Entity/AdminFilter.php

add: 'filter_weight' => FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT,


4. ./src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/views/Admin/Product/CatalogPage/Lists/products_table.html.twig


 <th scope="col" class="text-center" style="width: 9%">
            {{ ps.sortable_column_header("Weight"|trans({}, 'Admin.Global'), 'weight', orderBy, sortOrder) }}


5. ./src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/routing/admin/routing_product.yml





6. clear cache:  /var/cache - delete all from folder.


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Yes, thank you for your help. 

I will check once again. If you have any directions where my mistake is I will be grateful for your help.

Thanks again for your time. I thought the changes would be easier.

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