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Can't find the right variable to determine the current language

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Hello :)

I would be glad to get your help.

Problem: in product-images-modal.tpl I'd like a text appearing under the product image, depending on the language in which the browser (shop) is instantly shown.

To do so, I changed the "original standard" block:

{block name='product_description_short'}
            <div id="product-description-short" itemprop="description">{$product.description_short nofilter}</div>

into my own (example):

{block name='product_description_short'}
{if $current_language.iso_code == 'de'} {$good}
            {else} {$bad}

where id_lang or iso_code = German.

in the header, the two variables and their values have been assigned. No matter the language code is as shown, or (p.ex.) $current_language.id_lang == '1' the result is always the same. It is ignored and the "else" value is given.

So I think that the "if" request is correct. But I don't have the right variable to determine the instantly used language?

Thanks in advance for any help! :)


Jean G.

PS. my block is standing alone in an "override" theme...

Edited by Jean Gangolf
correections... (see edit history)
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