Reco-X Posted July 2, 2020 Share Posted July 2, 2020 (edited) I have this problem after copy and paste all the files from the folder to the folder where my current site is. Any idea on how I can solve this ? This guide I'm following: Edited July 2, 2020 by Reco-X more info (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reco-X Posted July 2, 2020 Author Share Posted July 2, 2020 I tried to run the upgrade.php script to the console but is not working. # php install/upgrade/upgrade.php PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\xampp\htdocs\cinefacil\install\upgrade\php\ps1700_stores.php on line 35 PHP Warning: Declaration of Search::getProductsToIndex($total_languages, $id_product = false, $limit = 50) should be compatible with SearchCore::getProductsToIndex($total_languages, $id_product = false, $limit = 50, $weight_array = Array) in C:\xampp\htdocs\cinefacil\override\classes\Search.php on line 207 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><action result="error" id="44" /> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reco-X Posted July 2, 2020 Author Share Posted July 2, 2020 Ok finally I make this run over a newer version of php. the latest one with xamp PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\xampp\htdocs\cinefacil\install\upgrade\php\ps1700_stores.php on line 35 PHP Warning: Declaration of Search::getProductsToIndex($total_languages, $id_product = false, $limit = 50) should be compatible with SearchCore::getProductsToIndex($total_languages, $id_product = false, $limit = 50, $weight_array = Array) in C:\xampp\htdocs\cinefacil\override\classes\Search.php on line 207 PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant _PS_ADMIN_DIR_ - assumed '_PS_ADMIN_DIR_' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in C:\xampp\htdocs\cinefacil\modules\watermark\watermark.php on line 177 PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant _PS_ADMIN_DIR_ - assumed '_PS_ADMIN_DIR_' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in C:\xampp\htdocs\cinefacil\modules\watermark\watermark.php on line 181 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <action result="ok" id=""> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET NAMES 'utf8']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_smarty_cache` ( `id_smarty_cache` char(40) NOT NULL, `name` char(40), `cache_id` varchar(254) DEFAULT NULL, `modified` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `content` longtext NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_smarty_cache`), KEY `name` (`name`), KEY `cache_id` (`cache_id`), KEY `modified` (`modified`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_smarty_cache' already exists]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : INSERT INTO `ps_configuration` (`name` , `value` , `date_add` , `date_upd`) VALUES ('PS_SMARTY_CACHING_TYPE', 'filesystem', NOW(), NOW()), ('PS_SMARTY_CLEAR_CACHE', 'everytime', NOW(), NOW()), ('PS_DETECT_LANG', '1', NOW(), NOW()), ('PS_DETECT_COUNTRY', '1', NOW(), NOW())]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_quick_access` CHANGE `link` `link` VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_order_slip_detail` CHANGE `amount_tax_excl` `amount_tax_excl` DECIMAL(20, 6) NULL DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_order_slip_detail` CHANGE `amount_tax_incl` `amount_tax_incl` DECIMAL( 20, 6 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : INSERT INTO `ps_configuration` (`name`, `value`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) VALUES ('PS_ROUND_TYPE', 2, now(), now())]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_order_slip` ADD `total_products_tax_excl` DECIMAL(20, 6) NULL AFTER `id_order`, ADD `total_products_tax_incl` DECIMAL(20, 6) NULL AFTER `total_products_tax_excl`,ADD `total_shipping_tax_excl` DECIMAL(20, 6) NULL AFTER `total_products_tax_incl`, ADD `total_shipping_tax_incl` DECIMAL(20, 6) NULL AFTER `total_shipping_tax_excl`: Duplicate column name 'total_products_tax_excl']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_order_slip_detail` ADD `unit_price_tax_excl` DECIMAL(20, 6) NULL AFTER `product_quantity`, ADD `unit_price_tax_incl` DECIMAL(20, 6) NULL AFTER `unit_price_tax_excl`, ADD `total_price_tax_excl` DECIMAL(20, 6) NULL AFTER `unit_price_tax_incl`, ADD `total_price_tax_incl` DECIMAL(20, 6) NULL AFTER `total_price_tax_excl`: Duplicate column name 'unit_price_tax_excl']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ps_order_slip_detail_tax` ( `id_order_slip_detail` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_tax` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `unit_amount` decimal(16,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.000000', `total_amount` decimal(16,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.000000', KEY (`id_order_slip_detail`), KEY `id_tax` (`id_tax`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_tax_rules_group` ADD `deleted` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, ADD `date_add` DATETIME NOT NULL, ADD `date_upd` DATETIME NOT NULL: Duplicate column name 'deleted']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `ps_tax_rules_group` SET `date_add` = NOW(), `date_upd` = NOW()]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_order_detail` ADD `id_tax_rules_group` INT(11) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' AFTER `product_weight`, ADD INDEX `id_tax_rules_group` (`id_tax_rules_group`): Duplicate column name 'id_tax_rules_group']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ps_mail` ( `id_mail` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `recipient` varchar(126) NOT NULL, `template` varchar(62) NOT NULL, `subject` varchar(254) NOT NULL, `id_lang` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `date_add` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (`id_mail`), KEY `recipient` (`recipient`(10)) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : INSERT INTO `ps_configuration` (`name`, `value`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) VALUES ('PS_LOG_EMAILS', 1, now(), now())]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_employee` ADD `last_connection_date` date NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00': Duplicate column name 'last_connection_date']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `ps_category` SET `is_root_category` = 0 WHERE `id_parent` != (SELECT `value` FROM `ps_configuration` WHERE `name` = 'PS_ROOT_CATEGORY' LIMIT 1) AND `is_root_category` = 1]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_orders` ADD INDEX (`reference`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `ps_meta` SET `page` = 'pagenotfound' WHERE `page` = '404']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET NAMES 'utf8']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : INSERT INTO `ps_order_state` (`invoice`, `send_email`, `module_name`, `color`, `unremovable`, `hidden`, `logable`, `delivery`, `shipped`, `paid`, `deleted`) VALUES ('0', '1', NULL, '#FF69B4', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0')]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET @id_order_state = LAST_INSERT_ID()]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET @id_order_state_oos = (SELECT `value` FROM `ps_configuration` WHERE `name` = 'PS_OS_OUTOFSTOCK' LIMIT 1)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : INSERT INTO `ps_order_state_lang` (`id_order_state`, `id_lang`, `name`, `template`) (SELECT @id_order_state, id_lang, name, template FROM `ps_order_state_lang` WHERE id_order_state = @id_order_state_oos)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_configuration` (`name`, `value`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) VALUES ('PS_OS_OUTOFSTOCK_PAID', @id_order_state_oos, NOW(), NOW()), ('PS_OS_OUTOFSTOCK_UNPAID', @id_order_state, NOW(), NOW())]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_module_access` ADD `uninstall` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL AFTER `configure`: Unknown column 'configure' in 'ps_module_access']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_specific_price` ADD `reduction_tax` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 AFTER `reduction`: Duplicate column name 'reduction_tax']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_specific_price_rule` ADD `reduction_tax` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 AFTER `reduction`: Duplicate column name 'reduction_tax']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1054 in INSERT INTO `ps_hook` (`id_hook` , `name` , `title` , `description` , `position` , `live_edit`) VALUES (NULL , 'displayCustomerIdentityForm', 'Customer identity form displayed in Front Office', 'This hook displays new elements on the form to update a customer identity', '1', '0'): Unknown column 'live_edit' in 'field list']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_orders` ADD `round_mode` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '2' AFTER `total_wrapping_tax_excl`: Duplicate column name 'round_mode']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_product_attribute` MODIFY `unit_price_impact` DECIMAL(20,6)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_product_attribute_shop` MODIFY `unit_price_impact` DECIMAL(20,6)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* PHP:p16011_media_server(); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : INSERT INTO `ps_configuration` (`name`, `value`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) VALUES ('PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION', 2, NOW(), NOW())]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : /* Precision used to be 2, now it can be set freely, so the DB must be ready to accept more decimals */ ALTER TABLE `ps_orders` CHANGE COLUMN `total_discounts` `total_discounts` DECIMAL(20,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' , CHANGE COLUMN `total_discounts_tax_incl` `total_discounts_tax_incl` DECIMAL(20,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' , CHANGE COLUMN `total_discounts_tax_excl` `total_discounts_tax_excl` DECIMAL(20,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' , CHANGE COLUMN `total_paid` `total_paid` DECIMAL(20,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' , CHANGE COLUMN `total_paid_tax_incl` `total_paid_tax_incl` DECIMAL(20,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' , CHANGE COLUMN `total_paid_tax_excl` `total_paid_tax_excl` DECIMAL(20,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' , CHANGE COLUMN `total_paid_real` `total_paid_real` DECIMAL(20,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' , CHANGE COLUMN `total_products` `total_products` DECIMAL(20,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' , CHANGE COLUMN `total_products_wt` `total_products_wt` DECIMAL(20,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' , CHANGE COLUMN `total_shipping` `total_shipping` DECIMAL(20,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' , CHANGE COLUMN `total_shipping_tax_incl` `total_shipping_tax_incl` DECIMAL(20,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' , CHANGE COLUMN `total_shipping_tax_excl` `total_shipping_tax_excl` DECIMAL(20,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' , CHANGE COLUMN `total_wrapping` `total_wrapping` DECIMAL(20,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' , CHANGE COLUMN `total_wrapping_tax_incl` `total_wrapping_tax_incl` DECIMAL(20,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' , CHANGE COLUMN `total_wrapping_tax_excl` `total_wrapping_tax_excl` DECIMAL(20,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER IGNORE TABLE `ps_product` CHANGE `ean13` `ean13` BIGINT( 15 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_product` CHANGE `ean13` `ean13` VARCHAR( 13 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER IGNORE TABLE `ps_product_attribute` CHANGE `ean13` `ean13` BIGINT( 15 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_product_attribute` CHANGE `ean13` `ean13` VARCHAR( 13 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_order_slip` ADD `order_slip_type` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `partial`: Duplicate column name 'order_slip_type']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET NAMES 'utf8']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : INSERT INTO `ps_configuration` (`name`, `value`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) VALUES ('PS_CUSTOMER_NWSL', 1, NOW(), NOW()), ('PS_CUSTOMER_OPTIN', 1, NOW(), NOW())]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : INSERT INTO `ps_order_state` (`invoice`, `send_email`, `module_name`, `color`, `unremovable`, `hidden`, `logable`, `delivery`, `shipped`, `paid`, `deleted`) VALUES ('0', '0', 'cashondelivery', '#4169E1', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0')]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET @id_order_state = LAST_INSERT_ID()]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : INSERT INTO `ps_order_state_lang` (`id_order_state`, `id_lang`, `name`, `template`) (SELECT @id_order_state, id_lang, 'Waiting cod validation', '' FROM `ps_lang`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_configuration` (`name`, `value`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) VALUES ('PS_OS_COD_VALIDATION', @id_order_state, NOW(), NOW())]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `ps_hook` set `position` = 1 where `name` in ('displayBanner', 'displayNav', 'displayTopColumn')]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_product` ADD `pack_stock_type` int(11) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '3': Duplicate column name 'pack_stock_type']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_product_shop` ADD `pack_stock_type` int(11) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '3': Duplicate column name 'pack_stock_type']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_pack` ADD `id_product_attribute_item` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AFTER `id_product_item`: Duplicate column name 'id_product_attribute_item']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_pack` DROP PRIMARY KEY]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* PHP:p16012_pack_rework(); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_pack` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id_product_pack`, `id_product_item`, `id_product_attribute_item`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_order_state` ADD `pdf_delivery` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `paid`: Duplicate column name 'pdf_delivery']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_order_state` ADD `pdf_invoice` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `pdf_delivery`: Duplicate column name 'pdf_invoice']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_orders` CHANGE `shipping_number` `shipping_number` VARCHAR( 64 )]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* PHP:ps16012_update_alias(); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_store` CHANGE `hours` `hours` TEXT: Unknown column 'hours' in 'ps_store']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cms_lang` ADD `id_shop` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `id_lang`: Duplicate column name 'id_shop']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_cms_lang` DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id_cms`, `id_shop`, `id_lang`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cms_category_lang` ADD `id_shop` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `id_lang`: Duplicate column name 'id_shop']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_cms_category_lang` DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id_cms_category`, `id_shop`, `id_lang`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_cms_category_shop` ( `id_cms_category` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `id_shop` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`id_cms_category`, `id_shop`), KEY `id_shop` (`id_shop`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_cms_category_shop' already exists]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* PHP:cms_multishop(); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_customization_field_lang` ADD `id_shop` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `id_lang`: Duplicate column name 'id_shop']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_customization_field_lang` DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id_customization_field`, `id_shop`, `id_lang`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* PHP:customization_field_multishop_lang(); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_product` CHANGE `available_date` `available_date` DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_product_shop` CHANGE `available_date` `available_date` DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_product_attribute` CHANGE `available_date` `available_date` DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_product_attribute_shop` CHANGE `available_date` `available_date` DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_module_access` CHANGE `view` `view` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', CHANGE `configure` `configure` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', CHANGE `uninstall` `uninstall` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0': Unknown column 'view' in 'ps_module_access']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET NAMES 'utf8']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `ps_configuration` SET `value` = CONCAT('#', `value`) WHERE `name` LIKE 'PS_%_PREFIX' AND `value` NOT LIKE '#%']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `ps_configuration_lang` SET `value` = CONCAT('#', `value`) WHERE `id_configuration` IN (SELECT `id_configuration` FROM `ps_configuration` WHERE `name` LIKE 'PS_%_PREFIX') AND `value` NOT LIKE '#%']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_orders` CHANGE `invoice_number` `invoice_number` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', CHANGE `delivery_number` `delivery_number` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : /* taxes-patch */ ALTER TABLE `ps_order_invoice` CHANGE COLUMN `total_discount_tax_excl` `total_discount_tax_excl` DECIMAL(20,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' , CHANGE COLUMN `total_discount_tax_incl` `total_discount_tax_incl` DECIMAL(20,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' , CHANGE COLUMN `total_paid_tax_excl` `total_paid_tax_excl` DECIMAL(20,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' , CHANGE COLUMN `total_paid_tax_incl` `total_paid_tax_incl` DECIMAL(20,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' , CHANGE COLUMN `total_products` `total_products` DECIMAL(20,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' , CHANGE COLUMN `total_products_wt` `total_products_wt` DECIMAL(20,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' , CHANGE COLUMN `total_shipping_tax_excl` `total_shipping_tax_excl` DECIMAL(20,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' , CHANGE COLUMN `total_shipping_tax_incl` `total_shipping_tax_incl` DECIMAL(20,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' , CHANGE COLUMN `total_wrapping_tax_excl` `total_wrapping_tax_excl` DECIMAL(20,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' , CHANGE COLUMN `total_wrapping_tax_incl` `total_wrapping_tax_incl` DECIMAL(20,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_orders` ADD `round_type` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `round_mode`: Duplicate column name 'round_type']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE ps_product_tag ADD `id_lang` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, ADD KEY (id_lang, id_tag): Duplicate column name 'id_lang']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE ps_product_tag, ps_tag SET ps_product_tag.id_lang=ps_tag.id_lang WHERE ps_tag.id_tag=ps_product_tag.id_tag]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ps_tag_count`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : CREATE TABLE `ps_tag_count` ( `id_group` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `id_tag` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `id_lang` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `id_shop` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `counter` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (`id_group`, `id_tag`), KEY (`id_group`, `id_lang`, `id_shop`, `counter`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : REPLACE INTO `ps_tag_count` (id_group, id_tag, id_lang, id_shop, counter) SELECT cg.id_group, t.id_tag, t.id_lang, ps.id_shop, COUNT(pt.id_tag) AS times FROM `ps_product_tag` pt LEFT JOIN `ps_tag` t ON (t.id_tag = pt.id_tag) LEFT JOIN `ps_product` p ON (p.id_product = pt.id_product) INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product = p.id_product) JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT id_group FROM `ps_category_group`) cg JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT id_shop FROM `ps_shop`) ps WHERE pt.`id_lang` = 1 AND product_shop.`active` = 1 AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM `ps_category_product` cp LEFT JOIN `ps_category_group` cgo ON (cp.`id_category` = cgo.`id_category`) WHERE cgo.`id_group` = cg.id_group AND p.`id_product` = cp.`id_product`) AND product_shop.id_shop = ps.id_shop GROUP BY pt.id_tag, cg.id_group]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : REPLACE INTO `ps_tag_count` (id_group, id_tag, id_lang, id_shop, counter) SELECT 0, t.id_tag, t.id_lang, ps.id_shop, COUNT(pt.id_tag) AS times FROM `ps_product_tag` pt LEFT JOIN `ps_tag` t ON (t.id_tag = pt.id_tag) LEFT JOIN `ps_product` p ON (p.id_product = pt.id_product) INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product = p.id_product) JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT id_shop FROM `ps_shop`) ps WHERE pt.`id_lang` = 1 AND product_shop.`active` = 1 AND product_shop.id_shop = ps.id_shop GROUP BY pt.id_tag]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* PHP:alter_ignore_drop_key(shop, id_group_shop); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* PHP:alter_ignore_drop_key(specific_price, id_product_2); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* PHP:alter_ignore_drop_key(hook_module, position); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* PHP:alter_ignore_drop_key(cart_product, PRIMARY); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* PHP:alter_ignore_drop_key(cart_product, cart_product_index); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_shop_group` ADD KEY `deleted` (`deleted`, `name`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1091 in ALTER TABLE `ps_shop` DROP KEY `id_shop_group`: Can't DROP INDEX `id_shop_group`; check that it exists]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_shop` ADD KEY `id_shop_group` (`id_shop_group`, `deleted`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_shop_url` DROP KEY `id_shop`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_shop_url` ADD KEY `id_shop` (`id_shop`, `main`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_customization` ADD KEY `id_cart` (`id_cart`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1061 in ALTER TABLE `ps_product_sale` ADD KEY `quantity` (`quantity`): Duplicate key name 'quantity']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1061 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart_rule` ADD KEY `id_customer` (`id_customer`, `active`, `date_to`): Duplicate key name 'id_customer']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1061 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart_rule` ADD KEY `group_restriction` (`group_restriction`, `active`, `date_to`): Duplicate key name 'group_restriction']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_hook_module` ADD KEY `position` (`id_shop`, `position`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER IGNORE TABLE `ps_cart_product` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id_cart`,`id_product`,`id_product_attribute`,`id_address_delivery`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1061 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart_product` ADD KEY `id_cart_order` (`id_cart`, `date_add`, `id_product`, `id_product_attribute`): Duplicate key name 'id_cart_order']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_customization` DROP KEY id_cart]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1061 in ALTER IGNORE TABLE `ps_customization` ADD KEY `id_cart_product` (`id_cart`, `id_product`, `id_product_attribute`): Duplicate key name 'id_cart_product']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1091 in ALTER TABLE `ps_category` DROP KEY nleftright, DROP KEY nleft: Can't DROP INDEX `nleftright`; check that it exists]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1061 in ALTER TABLE `ps_category` ADD KEY `activenleft` (`active`,`nleft`), ADD KEY `activenright` (`active`,`nright`): Duplicate key name 'activenleft']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1091 in ALTER IGNORE TABLE `ps_image_shop` DROP KEY `id_image`, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id_image`, `id_shop`, `cover`): Can't DROP INDEX `id_image`; check that it exists]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE ps_product_attribute_shop ADD `id_product` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, ADD KEY `id_product` (`id_product`, `id_shop`, `default_on`): Duplicate column name 'id_product']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE ps_product_attribute_shop, ps_product_attribute SET ps_product_attribute_shop.id_product=ps_product_attribute.id_product WHERE ps_product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute=ps_product_attribute.id_product_attribute]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE ps_image_shop ADD `id_product` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, ADD KEY `id_product` (`id_product`, `id_shop`, `cover`): Duplicate column name 'id_product']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE ps_image_shop, ps_image SET ps_image_shop.id_product=ps_image.id_product WHERE ps_image_shop.id_image=ps_image.id_image]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER IGNORE TABLE `ps_image_shop` DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id_image`, `id_shop`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1061 in ALTER TABLE `ps_product_supplier` ADD KEY `id_supplier` (`id_supplier`,`id_product`): Duplicate key name 'id_supplier']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_product` DROP KEY `product_manufacturer`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_product` ADD KEY `product_manufacturer` (`id_manufacturer`, `id_product`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ps_smarty_lazy_cache`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : CREATE TABLE `ps_smarty_lazy_cache` ( `template_hash` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `cache_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `compile_id` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `filepath` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `last_update` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY (`template_hash`, `cache_id`, `compile_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ps_smarty_last_flush`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : CREATE TABLE `ps_smarty_last_flush` ( `type` ENUM('compile', 'template'), `last_flush` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY (`type`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ps_modules_perfs`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : CREATE TABLE `ps_modules_perfs` ( `id_modules_perfs` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `session` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `module` varchar(62) NOT NULL, `method` varchar(126) NOT NULL, `time_start` double unsigned NOT NULL, `time_end` double unsigned NOT NULL, `memory_start` int unsigned NOT NULL, `memory_end` int unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_modules_perfs`), KEY (`session`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_image` CHANGE `cover` `cover` tinyint(1) unsigned NULL DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `ps_image` SET `cover`=NULL WHERE `cover`=0]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `image_transform` SELECT `id_product`, COUNT(*) c FROM `ps_image` WHERE `cover`=1 GROUP BY `id_product` HAVING c>1]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `image_transform` JOIN `ps_image` USING (`id_product`) SET `ps_image`.`cover`=NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_image` DROP KEY `id_product_cover`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER IGNORE TABLE `ps_image` ADD UNIQUE KEY `id_product_cover` (`id_product`,`cover`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_image_shop` CHANGE `cover` `cover` tinyint(1) unsigned NULL DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `ps_image_shop` SET `cover`=NULL WHERE `cover`=0]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `image_shop_transform` SELECT `id_product`, `id_shop`, COUNT(*) c FROM `ps_image_shop` WHERE `cover`=1 GROUP BY `id_product`, `id_shop` HAVING c>1]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `image_shop_transform` JOIN `ps_image_shop` USING (`id_product`, `id_shop`) SET `ps_image_shop`.`cover`=NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_image_shop` DROP KEY `id_product`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER IGNORE TABLE `ps_image_shop` ADD UNIQUE KEY `id_product` (`id_product`, `id_shop`, `cover`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_product_attribute` CHANGE `default_on` `default_on` tinyint(1) unsigned NULL DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `ps_product_attribute` SET `default_on`=NULL WHERE `default_on`=0]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `attribute_transform` SELECT `id_product`, COUNT(*) c FROM `ps_product_attribute` WHERE `default_on`=1 GROUP BY `id_product` HAVING c>1]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `attribute_transform` JOIN `ps_product_attribute` USING (`id_product`) SET `ps_product_attribute`.`default_on`=NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_product_attribute` DROP KEY `product_default`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER IGNORE TABLE `ps_product_attribute` ADD UNIQUE KEY `product_default` (`id_product`,`default_on`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_product_attribute_shop` CHANGE `default_on` `default_on` tinyint(1) unsigned NULL DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `ps_product_attribute_shop` SET `default_on`=NULL WHERE `default_on`=0]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `attribute_shop_transform` SELECT `id_product`, `id_shop`, COUNT(*) c FROM `ps_product_attribute_shop` WHERE `default_on`=1 GROUP BY `id_product`, `id_shop` HAVING c>1]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `attribute_shop_transform` JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` USING (`id_product`, `id_shop`) SET `ps_product_attribute_shop`.`default_on`=NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_product_attribute_shop` DROP KEY `id_product`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER IGNORE TABLE `ps_product_attribute_shop` ADD UNIQUE KEY `id_product` (`id_product`, `id_shop`, `default_on`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER IGNORE TABLE `ps_product_download` ADD UNIQUE KEY `id_product` (`id_product`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_customer` DROP KEY `id_shop`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_customer` ADD KEY `id_shop` (`id_shop`, `date_add`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1091 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart` DROP KEY `id_shop`: Can't DROP INDEX `id_shop`; check that it exists]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1061 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart` ADD KEY `id_shop_2` (`id_shop`,`date_upd`), ADD KEY `id_shop` (`id_shop`,`date_add`): Duplicate key name 'id_shop_2']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1061 in ALTER TABLE `ps_product_shop` ADD KEY `indexed` (`indexed`, `active`, `id_product`): Duplicate key name 'indexed']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `ps_product_shop` SET `date_add` = NOW() WHERE `date_add` = "0000-00-00 00:00:00"]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1054 in INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_hook` (`id_hook`, `name`, `title`, `description`, `position`, `live_edit`) VALUES (NULL, 'actionAdminLoginControllerSetMedia', 'Set media on admin login page header', 'This hook is called after adding media to admin login page header', '1', '0'), (NULL, 'actionOrderEdited', 'Order edited', 'This hook is called when an order is edited.', '1', '0'), (NULL, 'displayAdminNavBarBeforeEnd', 'Admin Nav-bar before end', 'Called before the end of the nav-bar.', '1', '0'), (NULL, 'displayAdminAfterHeader', 'Admin after header', 'Hook called just after the header of the backoffice.', '1', '0'), (NULL, 'displayAdminLogin', 'Admin login', 'Hook called just after login of the backoffice.', '1', '0'): Unknown column 'live_edit' in 'field list']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1061 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart_rule` ADD KEY `id_customer_2` (`id_customer`,`active`,`highlight`,`date_to`): Duplicate key name 'id_customer_2']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1061 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart_rule` ADD KEY `group_restriction_2` (`group_restriction`,`active`,`highlight`,`date_to`): Duplicate key name 'group_restriction_2']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_configuration_kpi` CHANGE `name` `name` varchar(64)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_smarty_lazy_cache` CHANGE `cache_id` `cache_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : TRUNCATE TABLE `ps_smarty_lazy_cache`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : /* Advanced EU Compliance tables */ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ps_cms_role` ( `id_cms_role` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `id_cms` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_cms_role`, `id_cms`), UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ps_cms_role_lang` ( `id_cms_role` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_lang` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_shop` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `name` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_cms_role`,`id_lang`, `id_shop`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_order_invoice` ADD `company_address` TEXT DEFAULT NULL AFTER `total_wrapping_tax_incl`: Duplicate column name 'company_address']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_order_invoice` ADD `shop_address` TEXT DEFAULT NULL AFTER `total_wrapping_tax_incl`: Duplicate column name 'shop_address']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_order_invoice` ADD `invoice_address` TEXT DEFAULT NULL AFTER `shop_address`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_order_invoice` ADD `delivery_address` TEXT DEFAULT NULL AFTER `invoice_address`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1062 in INSERT INTO `ps_hook` (`name`, `title`, `description`) VALUES ('displayInvoiceLegalFreeText', 'PDF Invoice - Legal Free Text', 'This hook allows you to modify the legal free text on PDF invoices'): Duplicate entry 'displayInvoiceLegalFreeText' for key 'hook_name']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `ps_hook` SET position = 0 WHERE name LIKE 'action%']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER IGNORE TABLE `ps_specific_price` ADD UNIQUE KEY `id_product_2` (`id_cart`, `id_product`,`id_shop`,`id_shop_group`,`id_currency`,`id_country`,`id_group`,`id_customer`,`id_product_attribute`,`from_quantity`,`id_specific_price_rule`,`from`,`to`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : INSERT INTO `ps_configuration` (`name`, `value`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) VALUES ('PS_INVCE_INVOICE_ADDR_RULES', '{"avoid":["vat_number","phone","phone_mobile"]}', NOW(), NOW())]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : INSERT INTO `ps_configuration` (`name`, `value`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) VALUES ('PS_INVCE_DELIVERY_ADDR_RULES', '{"avoid":["vat_number","phone","phone_mobile"]}', NOW(), NOW())]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1061 in ALTER TABLE `ps_pack` ADD KEY `product_item` (`id_product_item`,`id_product_attribute_item`): Duplicate key name 'product_item']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1091 in ALTER TABLE `ps_supply_order_detail` DROP KEY `id_supply_order`, DROP KEY `id_product`, ADD KEY `id_supply_order` (`id_supply_order`, `id_product`): Can't DROP INDEX `id_product`; check that it exists]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1061 in ALTER TABLE `ps_carrier` ADD KEY `reference` (`id_reference`, `deleted`, `active`): Duplicate key name 'reference']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET NAMES 'utf8']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_customer_message` CHANGE `message` `message` MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `ps_tax_rules_group` SET `date_add` = NOW(), `date_upd` = NOW() WHERE `date_add` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_order_detail` ADD `original_wholesale_price` DECIMAL( 20, 6 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.000000': Duplicate column name 'original_wholesale_price']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* PHP:alter_ignore_drop_key(specific_price, id_product_2); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_specific_price` ADD UNIQUE KEY `id_product_2` (`id_cart`, `id_product`,`id_shop`,`id_shop_group`,`id_currency`,`id_country`,`id_group`,`id_customer`,`id_product_attribute`,`from_quantity`,`id_specific_price_rule`,`from`,`to`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET NAMES 'utf8']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `ps_image_shop` ish, `ps_image` i SET ish.id_product = i.id_product WHERE i.id_image=ish.id_image]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : REPLACE INTO `ps_tag_count` (id_group, id_tag, id_lang, id_shop, counter) SELECT cg.id_group, pt.id_tag, pt.id_lang, id_shop, COUNT(pt.id_tag) AS times FROM `ps_product_tag` pt INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop USING (id_product) JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT id_group FROM `ps_category_group`) cg WHERE product_shop.`active` = 1 AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM `ps_category_product` cp LEFT JOIN `ps_category_group` cgo ON (cp.`id_category` = cgo.`id_category`) WHERE cgo.`id_group` = cg.id_group AND product_shop.`id_product` = cp.`id_product`) GROUP BY pt.id_tag, pt.id_lang, cg.id_group, id_shop ORDER BY NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : REPLACE INTO `ps_tag_count` (id_group, id_tag, id_lang, id_shop, counter) SELECT 0, pt.id_tag, pt.id_lang, id_shop, COUNT(pt.id_tag) AS times FROM `ps_product_tag` pt INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` product_shop USING (id_product) WHERE product_shop.`active` = 1 GROUP BY pt.id_tag, pt.id_lang, id_shop ORDER BY NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : TRUNCATE TABLE `ps_smarty_last_flush`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_search_index` ADD INDEX(`id_product`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_specific_price` ADD INDEX(`id_product_attribute`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_specific_price` ADD INDEX(`id_shop`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_specific_price` ADD INDEX(`id_customer`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_specific_price` ADD INDEX(`from`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_specific_price` ADD INDEX(`to`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_specific_price` DROP KEY `id_product_2`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_specific_price` ADD UNIQUE KEY `id_product_2` (`id_product`,`id_product_attribute`,`id_customer`,`id_cart`,`from`,`to`,`id_shop`,`id_shop_group`,`id_currency`,`id_country`,`id_group`,`from_quantity`,`id_specific_price_rule`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_category_product` ADD INDEX(`id_category`, `position`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_address` CHANGE `company` `company` VARCHAR(64) NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET NAMES 'utf8']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `ps_configuration` c SET `value` = '{"avoid":[]}' WHERE `name` IN ('PS_INVCE_INVOICE_ADDR_RULES', 'PS_INVCE_DELIVERY_ADDR_RULES')]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET NAMES 'utf8']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_cart_product` CHANGE `id_product_attribute` `id_product_attribute` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET NAMES 'utf8']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1062 in INSERT INTO `ps_hook` (`name`, `title`, `description`, `position`) VALUES ('displayCartExtraProductActions', 'Extra buttons in shopping cart', 'This hook adds extra buttons to the product lines, in the shopping cart', 0): Duplicate entry 'displayCartExtraProductActions' for key 'hook_name']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET NAMES 'utf8']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_carrier_lang` CHANGE `delay` `delay` VARCHAR(512) NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET NAMES 'utf8']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : INSERT INTO `ps_configuration` (`name`, `value`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) VALUES ('PS_SMARTY_LOCAL', '0', NOW(), NOW()), ('PS_PASSWD_RESET_VALIDITY', '1440', NOW(), NOW()), ('PS_CUSTOMER_BIRTHDATE', '1', NOW(), NOW()), ('PS_ACTIVE_CRONJOB_EXCHANGE_RATE', '0', NOW(), NOW()), ('PS_ORDER_RECALCULATE_SHIPPING', '1', NOW(), NOW()), ('PS_MAINTENANCE_TEXT', 'We are currently updating our shop and will be back really soon.&lt;br&gt;Thanks for your patience.', NOW(), NOW())]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1062 in INSERT INTO `ps_configuration_lang` (`id_configuration`, `id_lang`, `value`, `date_upd`) SELECT c.`id_configuration`, l.`id_lang`, c.`value`, NOW() FROM `ps_configuration` c, `ps_lang` l WHERE c.`name` = 'PS_MAINTENANCE_TEXT': Duplicate entry '564-1' for key 'PRIMARY']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1062 in INSERT INTO `ps_hook_alias` (`name`, `alias`) VALUES ('actionCartUpdateQuantityBefore', 'actionBeforeCartUpdateQty'), ('actionAjaxDieBefore', 'actionBeforeAjaxDie'), ('actionAuthenticationBefore', 'actionBeforeAuthentication'), ('actionSubmitAccountBefore', 'actionBeforeSubmitAccount'), ('actionDeleteProductInCartAfter', 'actionAfterDeleteProductInCart'): Duplicate entry 'actionBeforeCartUpdateQty' for key 'alias']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1091 in ALTER TABLE `ps_currency` DROP `iso_code_num` , DROP `sign` , DROP `blank` , DROP `format` , DROP `decimals`: Can't DROP COLUMN `iso_code_num`; check that it exists]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in /* Password reset token for new "Forgot my password screen */ ALTER TABLE `ps_customer` ADD `reset_password_token` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL: Duplicate column name 'reset_password_token']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_customer` ADD `reset_password_validity` datetime DEFAULT NULL: Duplicate column name 'reset_password_validity']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_employee` CHANGE `last_connection_date` `last_connection_date` DATE NULL DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_employee` ADD `reset_password_token` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL: Duplicate column name 'reset_password_token']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_employee` ADD `reset_password_validity` datetime DEFAULT NULL: Duplicate column name 'reset_password_validity']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : /* Need to set the date to null before manipulate the table if the strict mode is enabled on MySQL */ UPDATE `ps_customer` SET `newsletter_date_add` = NULL WHERE YEAR(newsletter_date_add) = "0000"]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_customer` CHANGE COLUMN `passwd` `passwd` varchar(60) NOT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_employee` CHANGE COLUMN `passwd` `passwd` varchar(60) NOT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_customer` CHANGE COLUMN `firstname` `firstname` varchar(255) NOT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_customer` CHANGE COLUMN `lastname` `lastname` varchar(255) NOT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1061 in /* Changes regarding modules */ ALTER TABLE `ps_module` ADD UNIQUE INDEX `name_UNIQUE` (`name` ASC): Duplicate key name 'name_UNIQUE']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ps_modules_perfs`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_module_carrier` ( `id_module`INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_shop`INT(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', `id_reference` INT(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_module`,`id_shop`, `id_reference`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_module_carrier' already exists]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* PHP:select_current_payment_modules(); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* Add Payment Preferences tab. SuperAdmin profile is the only one to access it. */ /* PHP:ps_1700_add_payment_preferences_tab(); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1054 in UPDATE `ps_access` SET `view` = '0', `add` = '0', `edit` = '0', `delete` = '0' WHERE `id_tab` = (SELECT `id_tab` FROM `ps_tab` t WHERE t.`class_name` = 'AdminPaymentPreferences' LIMIT 1) AND `id_profile` > 1: Unknown column 'id_tab' in 'where clause']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `ps_quick_access` SET `link` = "index.php/product/new" WHERE `link` = "index.php?controller=AdminProducts&addproduct"]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_product` CHANGE `available_date` `available_date` DATE NULL DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_product` ADD `show_condition` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `available_date`: Duplicate column name 'show_condition']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_product` ADD `isbn` VARCHAR( 13 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL: Duplicate column name 'isbn']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_product_shop` CHANGE `available_date` `available_date` DATE NULL DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_product_shop` ADD `show_condition` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `available_date`: Duplicate column name 'show_condition']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_order_detail` ADD `product_isbn` VARCHAR( 13 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL: Duplicate column name 'product_isbn']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_product_attribute` CHANGE `available_date` `available_date` DATE NULL DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_product_attribute` ADD `isbn` VARCHAR( 13 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL: Duplicate column name 'isbn']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_product_attribute_shop` CHANGE `available_date` `available_date` DATE NULL DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_stock` ADD `isbn` VARCHAR( 13 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL: Duplicate column name 'isbn']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_supply_order_detail` ADD `isbn` VARCHAR( 13 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL: Duplicate column name 'isbn']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_order_invoice` DROP COLUMN `invoice_address`, DROP COLUMN `delivery_address`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_cart_product` CHANGE `id_product_attribute` `id_product_attribute` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '0']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_product_lang` ADD `social_sharing_title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_product_lang` ADD `social_sharing_description` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* PHP:ps1700_stores(); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1091 in ALTER TABLE `ps_hook` DROP `live_edit`: Can't DROP COLUMN `live_edit`; check that it exists]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : /* Remove comparator feature */ DELETE FROM `ps_hook_alias` WHERE `name` = 'displayProductComparison']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : DELETE FROM `ps_hook` WHERE `name` = 'displayProductComparison']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : DELETE FROM `ps_meta` WHERE `page` = 'products-comparison']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ps_compare`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ps_compare_product`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ps_theme`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ps_theme_meta`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ps_theme_specific`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ps_scene`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ps_scene_category`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ps_scene_lang`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ps_scene_products`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ps_scene_shop`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_shop` ADD COLUMN `theme_name` VARCHAR(255) AFTER `id_category`: Duplicate column name 'theme_name']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `ps_shop` SET `theme_name` = 'classic']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `ps_configuration` SET value=0 WHERE name='PS_TAX_DISPLAY']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1091 in ALTER TABLE `ps_image_type` DROP `scenes`: Can't DROP COLUMN `scenes`; check that it exists]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart` ADD `checkout_session_data` MEDIUMTEXT NULL: Duplicate column name 'checkout_session_data']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1091 in ALTER TABLE `ps_shop` DROP COLUMN `id_theme`: Can't DROP COLUMN `id_theme`; check that it exists]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart_product` ADD `id_customization` INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `id_product_attribute`: Duplicate column name 'id_customization']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_cart_product` DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id_cart`, `id_product`, `id_product_attribute`, `id_customization`, `id_address_delivery`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_order_detail` ADD `id_customization` INT(10) NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `product_attribute_id`: Duplicate column name 'id_customization']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_customized_data` ADD `id_module` INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD `price` DECIMAL(20,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD `weight` DECIMAL(20,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0': Duplicate column name 'id_module']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_customization_field` ADD `is_module` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0': Duplicate column name 'is_module']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart_rule` ADD `reduction_exclude_special` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `reduction_percent`: Duplicate column name 'reduction_exclude_special']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_product` ADD `state` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1': Duplicate column name 'state']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1061 in ALTER TABLE `ps_product` ADD KEY `state` (`state`, `date_upd`): Duplicate key name 'state']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_lang` ADD `locale` varchar(5) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL: Duplicate column name 'locale']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* PHP:ps_1700_add_locale(); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1050 in /* Right management */ CREATE TABLE `ps_authorization_role` ( `id_authorization_role` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `slug` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_authorization_role`), UNIQUE KEY (`slug`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_authorization_role' already exists]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : /* Create a copy without indexes to make ID updates without conflict. */ CREATE TABLE `ps_access_old` AS SELECT * FROM `ps_access`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : DROP TABLE `ps_access`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : RENAME TABLE `ps_module_access` TO `ps_module_access_old`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : CREATE TABLE `ps_tab_transit` ( `id_old_tab` int(11), `id_new_tab` int(11), `key` VARCHAR(128) /* class_name and module concatenation */ ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : /* Save the old IDs */ INSERT INTO `ps_tab_transit` (`id_old_tab`, `key`) SELECT `id_tab`, CONCAT(`class_name`, COALESCE(`module`, '')) FROM `ps_tab`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : CREATE TABLE `ps_access` ( `id_profile` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_authorization_role` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_profile`,`id_authorization_role`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : CREATE TABLE `ps_module_access` ( `id_profile` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_authorization_role` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_profile`,`id_authorization_role`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* PHP:add_quick_access_tab(); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1062 in INSERT INTO `ps_hook` (`name`, `title`, `description`, `position`) VALUES ('actionValidateCustomerAddressForm', 'Customer address form validation', 'This hook is called when a customer submit its address form', '1'), ('displayAfterCarrier', 'After carriers list', 'This hook is displayed after the carrier list in Front Office', '1'), ('displayCarrierExtraContent', 'Display additional content for a carrier (e.g pickup points)', 'This hook calls only the module related to the carrier, in order to add options when needed.', '1'), ('validateCustomerFormFields', 'Customer registration form validation', 'This hook is called to a module when it has sent additional fields with additionalCustomerFormFields', '1'), ('displayProductExtraContent', 'Display extra content on the product page', 'This hook expects ProductExtraContent instances, which will be properly displayed by the template on the product page.', '1'), ('displayNavFullWidth', 'Navigation', 'This hook displays full width navigation menu at the top of your pages', '1'), ('displayAfterBodyOpeningTag', 'Very top of pages', 'Use this hook for advertisement or modals you want to load first.', '1'), ('displayBeforeBodyClosingTag', 'Very bottom of pages', 'Use this hook for your modals or any content you want to load at the very end.', '1'): Duplicate entry 'actionValidateCustomerAddressForm' for key 'hook_name']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : DELETE FROM `ps_hook` WHERE `name` IN ( 'displayProductTab', 'displayProductTabContent', 'displayBeforePayment', 'actionBeforeAuthentication', 'actionOrderDetail', 'actionProductListOverride', 'actionSearch', 'displayCustomerIdentityForm', 'displayHomeTab', 'displayHomeTabContent', 'displayPayment')]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : DELETE FROM `ps_hook_alias` WHERE `name` IN ( 'beforeAuthentication', 'displayProductTab', 'displayProductTabContent', 'displayBeforePayment', 'orderDetail', 'payment', 'productListAssign', 'search')]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : DELETE FROM `ps_configuration` WHERE `name` IN ( '_MEDIA_SERVER_2_', '_MEDIA_SERVER_3_', 'PS_ORDER_PROCESS_TYPE', 'PS_ADVANCED_PAYMENT_API', 'PS_ONE_PHONE_AT_LEAST', 'PS_SCENE_FEATURE_ACTIVE', 'PS_ADMINREFRESH_NOTIFICATION', 'PS_CUSTOMER_NWSL', 'PS_CACHEFS_DIRECTORY_DEPTH', 'PS_CART_REDIRECT', 'PS_COMPARATOR_MAX_ITEM', 'PS_STORES_DISPLAY_FOOTER', 'PS_STORES_SIMPLIFIED', 'PS_STORES_CENTER_LAT', 'PS_STORES_CENTER_LONG', 'PS_STORES_DISPLAY_SITEMAP', 'PS_CIPHER_ALGORITHM', 'PS_HTML_THEME_COMPRESSION', 'PS_JS_HTML_THEME_COMPRESSION', 'PS_LOGO_MOBILE', 'SHOP_LOGO_MOBILE_HEIGHT', 'SHOP_LOGO_MOBILE_WIDTH')]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_tab` ADD `icon` varchar(32) DEFAULT '': Duplicate column name 'icon']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* PHP:migrate_tabs_17(); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : /* Save the new IDs */ UPDATE `ps_tab_transit` tt SET `id_new_tab` = ( SELECT `id_tab` FROM `ps_tab` WHERE CONCAT(`class_name`, COALESCE(`module`, '')) = tt.`key` LIMIT 1 )]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : /* Update default tab IDs for employees */ UPDATE `ps_employee` e SET `default_tab` = ( SELECT IFNULL(`id_new_tab`, /* If the tab does not exist anymore, fallback to the dashboard. */ (SELECT `id_tab` FROM `ps_tab` WHERE `class_name` = 'AdminDashboard' AND `module` IS NULL) ) FROM `ps_tab_transit` WHERE `id_old_tab` = e.`default_tab` )]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1054 in /* Update access tab IDs */ UPDATE `ps_access_old` ao SET `id_tab` = ( /* Update tab ID if possible, leave as is if the tab does not exist anymore */ SELECT IFNULL(`id_new_tab`, ao.`id_tab`) FROM `ps_tab_transit` WHERE `id_old_tab` = ao.`id_tab` ): Unknown column 'id_tab' in 'field list']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* Properly migrate the rights associated with each tabs */ /* PHP:ps_1700_right_management(); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ps_access_old`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ps_module_access_old`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ps_tab_transit`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* PHP:ps_update_tabs(); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_currency` MODIFY `name` varchar(64) NOT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET SESSION sql_mode = '']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET NAMES 'utf8']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `ps_address_format` SET `format` = 'firstname lastname company vat_number address1 address2 city postcode State:name Country:name phone' WHERE `id_country` = (SELECT `id_country` FROM `ps_country` WHERE `iso_code` = 'IN')]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `ps_hook` SET `name` = 'displayProductAdditionalInfo' WHERE `name` = 'displayProductButtons']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1062 in INSERT INTO `ps_hook_alias` (`name`, `alias`) VALUES ('displayProductAdditionalInfo', 'displayProductButtons'): Duplicate entry 'displayProductButtons' for key 'alias']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : -- Need old value before updating ALTER TABLE `ps_product` CHANGE `redirect_type` `redirect_type` ENUM('','404', '301', '302', '301-product','302-product','301-category','302-category') CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_product_shop` CHANGE `redirect_type` `redirect_type` ENUM('','404', '301', '302', '301-product','302-product','301-category','302-category') CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `ps_product` SET redirect_type = '301-product' WHERE redirect_type = '301']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `ps_product` SET redirect_type = '302-product' WHERE redirect_type = '302']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `ps_product_shop` SET redirect_type = '301-product' WHERE redirect_type = '301']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `ps_product_shop` SET redirect_type = '302-product' WHERE redirect_type = '302']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : -- Can now remove old value ALTER TABLE `ps_product` CHANGE `redirect_type` `redirect_type` ENUM('','404','301-product','302-product','301-category','302-category') CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_product_shop` CHANGE `redirect_type` `redirect_type` ENUM('','404','301-product','302-product','301-category','302-category') CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_product` CHANGE `id_product_redirected` `id_type_redirected` INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0': Unknown column 'id_product_redirected' in 'ps_product']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_product_shop` CHANGE `id_product_redirected` `id_type_redirected` INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0': Unknown column 'id_product_redirected' in 'ps_product_shop']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_hook` (`id_hook`, `name`, `title`, `description`, `position`) VALUES (NULL, 'filterCmsContent', 'Filter the content page', 'This hook is called just before fetching content page', '1'), (NULL, 'filterCmsCategoryContent', 'Filter the content page category', 'This hook is called just before fetching content page category', '1'), (NULL, 'filterProductContent', 'Filter the content page product', 'This hook is called just before fetching content page product', '1'), (NULL, 'filterCategoryContent', 'Filter the content page category', 'This hook is called just before fetching content page category', '1'), (NULL, 'filterManufacturerContent', 'Filter the content page manufacturer', 'This hook is called just before fetching content page manufacturer', '1'), (NULL, 'filterSupplierContent', 'Filter the content page supplier', 'This hook is called just before fetching content page supplier', '1'), (NULL, 'filterHtmlContent', 'Filter HTML field before rending a page', 'This hook is called just before fetching a page on HTML field', '1'), (NULL, 'displayDashboardTop', 'Dashboard Top', 'Displays the content in the dashboard''s top area', '1'), (NULL, 'actionObjectProductInCartDeleteBefore', 'Cart product removal', 'This hook is called before a product is removed from a cart', '1'), (NULL, 'actionObjectProductInCartDeleteAfter', 'Cart product removal', 'This hook is called after a product is removed from a cart', '1'), (NULL, 'actionUpdateLangAfter', 'Update "lang" tables', 'Update "lang" tables after adding or updating a language', '1'), (NULL, 'actionOutputHTMLBefore', 'Filter the whole HTML page', 'This hook is used to filter the whole HTML page before it is rendered (only front)', '1'), (NULL, 'displayAfterProductThumbs', 'Display extra content below product thumbs', 'This hook displays new elements below product images ex. additional media', '1'), (NULL, 'actionDispatcherBefore', 'Before dispatch', 'This hook is called at the beginning of the dispatch method of the Dispatcher', '1'), (NULL, 'actionDispatcherAfter', 'After dispatch', 'This hook is called at the end of the dispatch method of the Dispatcher', '1'), (NULL, 'actionClearCache', 'Clear smarty cache', 'This hook is called when the cache of the theme is cleared', '1'), (NULL, 'actionClearCompileCache', 'Clear smarty compile cache', 'This hook is called when smarty''s compile cache is cleared', '1'), (NULL, 'actionClearSf2Cache', 'Clear Sf2 cache', 'This hook is called when the Symfony cache is cleared', '1'), (NULL, 'filterProductSearch', 'Filter search products result', 'This hook is called in order to allow to modify search product result', '1'), (NULL, 'actionProductSearchAfter', 'Event triggered after search product completed', 'This hook is called after the product search. Parameters are already filtered', '1'), (NULL, 'actionEmailSendBefore', 'Before sending an email', 'This hook is used to filter the content or the metadata of an email before sending it or even prevent its sending', '1'), (NULL, 'displayProductPageDrawer', 'Product Page Drawer', 'This hook displays content in the right sidebar of the product page', '1')]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : DELETE FROM `ps_configuration` WHERE `name` IN ('PS_META_KEYWORDS')]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : INSERT INTO `ps_operating_system` (`name`) VALUES ('Windows 8.1'), ('Windows 10')]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : /* UPDATE TO DOCTRINE */ ALTER TABLE `ps_attribute` CHANGE `id_attribute` `id_attribute` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_attribute` CHANGE `id_attribute_group` `id_attribute_group` INT(11) NOT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_attribute_group` CHANGE `id_attribute_group` `id_attribute_group` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_attribute_group_lang` CHANGE `id_attribute_group` `id_attribute_group` INT(11) NOT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_attribute_group_lang` CHANGE `id_lang` `id_lang` INT(11) NOT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_attribute_group_shop` CHANGE `id_attribute_group` `id_attribute_group` INT(11) NOT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_attribute_group_shop` CHANGE `id_shop` `id_shop` INT(11) NOT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_attribute_lang` CHANGE `id_attribute` `id_attribute` INT(11) NOT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_attribute_lang` CHANGE `id_lang` `id_lang` INT(11) NOT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_attribute_shop` CHANGE `id_attribute` `id_attribute` INT(11) NOT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_attribute_shop` CHANGE `id_shop` `id_shop` INT(11) NOT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_lang` CHANGE `id_lang` `id_lang` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_lang_shop` CHANGE `id_lang` `id_lang` INT(11) NOT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_lang_shop` CHANGE `id_shop` `id_shop` INT(11) NOT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_shop` CHANGE `id_shop` `id_shop` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_shop` CHANGE `id_shop_group` `id_shop_group` INT(11) NOT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_shop_group` CHANGE `id_shop_group` `id_shop_group` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_tab` CHANGE `id_tab` `id_tab` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_tab_lang` CHANGE `id_tab` `id_tab` INT(11) NOT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_tab_lang` CHANGE `id_lang` `id_lang` INT(11) NOT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET NAMES 'utf8']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_address` CHANGE `company` `company` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET SESSION sql_mode = '']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET NAMES 'utf8']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_store` MODIFY `hours` text: Unknown column 'hours' in 'ps_store']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_hook` (`id_hook`, `name`, `title`, `description`, `position`) VALUES (NULL, 'displayAdminProductsMainStepLeftColumnMiddle', 'Display new elements in back office product page, left column of the Basic settings tab', 'This hook launches modules when the back office product page is displayed', '1'), (NULL, 'displayAdminProductsMainStepLeftColumnBottom', 'Display new elements in back office product page, left column of the Basic settings tab', 'This hook launches modules when the back office product page is displayed', '1'), (NULL, 'displayAdminProductsMainStepRightColumnBottom', 'Display new elements in back office product page, right column of the Basic settings tab', 'This hook launches modules when the back office product page is displayed', '1'), (NULL, 'displayAdminProductsQuantitiesStepBottom', 'Display new elements in back office product page, Quantities/Combinations tab', 'This hook launches modules when the back office product page is displayed', '1'), (NULL, 'displayAdminProductsPriceStepBottom', 'Display new elements in back office product page, Price tab', 'This hook launches modules when the back office product page is displayed', '1'), (NULL, 'displayAdminProductsOptionsStepTop', 'Display new elements in back office product page, Options tab', 'This hook launches modules when the back office product page is displayed', '1'), (NULL, 'displayAdminProductsOptionsStepBottom', 'Display new elements in back office product page, Options tab', 'This hook launches modules when the back office product page is displayed', '1'), (NULL, 'displayAdminProductsSeoStepBottom', 'Display new elements in back office product page, SEO tab', 'This hook launches modules when the back office product page is displayed', '1'), (NULL, 'displayAdminProductsShippingStepBottom', 'Display new elements in back office product page, Shipping tab', 'This hook launches modules when the back office product page is displayed', '1'), (NULL, 'displayAdminProductsCombinationBottom', 'Display new elements in back office product page, Combination tab', 'This hook launches modules when the back office product page is displayed', '1'), (NULL, 'displayWrapperTop', 'Main wrapper section (top)', 'This hook displays new elements in the top of the main wrapper', '1'), (NULL, 'displayWrapperBottom', 'Main wrapper section (bottom)', 'This hook displays new elements in the bottom of the main wrapper', '1'), (NULL, 'displayContentWrapperTop', 'Content wrapper section (top)', 'This hook displays new elements in the top of the content wrapper', '1'), (NULL, 'displayContentWrapperBottom', 'Content wrapper section (bottom)', 'This hook displays new elements in the bottom of the content wrapper', '1')]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* PHP:drop_column_from_product_lang_if_exists(); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_product` CHANGE `isbn` `isbn` VARCHAR(32) NULL DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_order_detail` CHANGE `product_isbn` `product_isbn` VARCHAR(32) NULL DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_product_attribute` CHANGE `isbn` `isbn` VARCHAR(32) NULL DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_stock` CHANGE `isbn` `isbn` VARCHAR(32) NULL DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_supply_order_detail` CHANGE `isbn` `isbn` VARCHAR(32) NULL DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_stock_available` ADD `physical_quantity` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `quantity`: Duplicate column name 'physical_quantity']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_stock_available` ADD `reserved_quantity` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `physical_quantity`: Duplicate column name 'reserved_quantity']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_stock_mvt` CHANGE `id_stock` `id_stock` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'since ps 1.7 corresponding to id_stock_available']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `ps_configuration` SET `value` = 0 WHERE `name` = "PS_ADVANCED_STOCK_MANAGEMENT"]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* PHP:add_new_status_stock(); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET SESSION sql_mode = '']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET NAMES 'utf8']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_search_index` DROP KEY `id_product`]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_search_index` ADD KEY `id_product` (`id_product`,`weight`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET SESSION sql_mode = '']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET NAMES 'utf8']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `ps_tab` SET `position` = 0 WHERE `class_name` = 'AdminZones' AND `position` = '1']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `ps_tab` SET `position` = 1 WHERE `class_name` = 'AdminCountries' AND `position` = '0']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* PHP:ps_1730_add_quick_access_evaluation_catalog(); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* PHP:ps_1730_move_some_aeuc_configuration_to_core(); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_product` ADD `low_stock_threshold` INT(10) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `minimal_quantity`: Duplicate column name 'low_stock_threshold']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_product` ADD `additional_delivery_times` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `out_of_stock`: Duplicate column name 'additional_delivery_times']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_product_lang` ADD `delivery_in_stock` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL: Duplicate column name 'delivery_in_stock']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_product_lang` ADD `delivery_out_stock` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL: Duplicate column name 'delivery_out_stock']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_product_shop` ADD `low_stock_threshold` INT(10) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `minimal_quantity`: Duplicate column name 'low_stock_threshold']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_product_attribute` ADD `low_stock_threshold` INT(10) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `minimal_quantity`: Duplicate column name 'low_stock_threshold']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_product_attribute_shop` ADD `low_stock_threshold` INT(10) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `minimal_quantity`: Duplicate column name 'low_stock_threshold']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_product` ADD `low_stock_alert` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `low_stock_threshold`: Duplicate column name 'low_stock_alert']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_product_shop` ADD `low_stock_alert` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `low_stock_threshold`: Duplicate column name 'low_stock_alert']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_product_attribute` ADD `low_stock_alert` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `low_stock_threshold`: Duplicate column name 'low_stock_alert']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_product_attribute_shop` ADD `low_stock_alert` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `low_stock_threshold`: Duplicate column name 'low_stock_alert']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ps_store_lang` ( `id_store` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_lang` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `address1` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `address2` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `hours` text, `note` text, PRIMARY KEY (`id_store`, `id_lang`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* PHP:ps_1730_migrate_data_from_store_to_store_lang_and_clean_store(); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1091 in ALTER TABLE `ps_store` DROP `name`, DROP `address1`, DROP `address2`, DROP `hours`, DROP `note`: Can't DROP COLUMN `name`; check that it exists]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_feature_product` DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id_feature`, `id_product`, `id_feature_value`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_customization_field` ADD `is_deleted` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0': Duplicate column name 'is_deleted']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_hook` (`id_hook`, `name`, `title`, `description`, `position`) VALUES (NULL, 'displayAdminCustomersAddressesItemAction', 'Display new elements in the Back Office, tab AdminCustomers, Addresses actions', 'This hook launches modules when the Addresses list into the AdminCustomers tab is displayed in the Back Office', '1'), (NULL, 'displayDashboardToolbarTopMenu', 'Display new elements in back office page with a dashboard, on top Menu', 'This hook launches modules when a page with a dashboard is displayed', '1'), (NULL, 'displayDashboardToolbarIcons', 'Display new elements in back office page with dashboard, on icons list', 'This hook launches modules when the back office with dashboard is displayed', '1')]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_authorization_role` (`slug`) VALUES ('ROLE_MOD_TAB_DEFAULT_CREATE'), ('ROLE_MOD_TAB_DEFAULT_READ'), ('ROLE_MOD_TAB_DEFAULT_UPDATE'), ('ROLE_MOD_TAB_DEFAULT_DELETE')]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET SESSION sql_mode = '']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET NAMES 'utf8']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_order_detail` DROP KEY product_id, ADD KEY product_id (product_id, product_attribute_id)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_hook` (`id_hook`, `name`, `title`, `description`, `position`) VALUES (NULL, 'actionAdministrationPageForm', 'Manage Administration Page form fields', 'This hook adds, update or remove fields of the Administration Page form', '1'), (NULL, 'actionAdministrationPageFormSave', 'Processing Administration page form', 'This hook is called when the Administration Page form is processed', '1'), (NULL, 'actionPerformancePageForm', 'Manage Performance Page form fields', 'This hook adds, update or remove fields of the Performance Page form', '1'), (NULL, 'actionPerformancePageFormSave', 'Processing Performance page form', 'This hook is called when the Performance Page form is processed', '1'), (NULL, 'actionMaintenancePageForm', 'Manage Maintenance Page form fields', 'This hook adds, update or remove fields of the Maintenance Page form', '1'), (NULL, 'actionMaintenancePageFormSave', 'Processing Maintenance page form', 'This hook is called when the Maintenance Page form is processed', '1'), (NULL, 'displayAdminEndContent', 'Administration end of content', 'This hook is displayed at the end of the main content, before the footer', '1')]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* PHP:ps_1740_update_module_tabs(); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET SESSION sql_mode = '']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET NAMES 'utf8']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1061 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart_rule` ADD KEY `date_from` (`date_from`), ADD KEY `date_to` (`date_to`): Duplicate key name 'date_from']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET SESSION sql_mode = '']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET NAMES 'utf8']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `ps_employee` SET `bo_css` = "theme.css"]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET SESSION sql_mode='']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET NAMES 'utf8']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* PHP:add_supplier_manufacturer_routes(); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* PHP:ps_1750_update_module_tabs(); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cms_lang` ADD `head_seo_title` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL AFTER `meta_title`, CHANGE `meta_title` `meta_title` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, CHANGE `meta_description` `meta_description` VARCHAR(512) DEFAULT NULL: Duplicate column name 'head_seo_title']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_stock_available` ADD `location` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `out_of_stock`: Duplicate column name 'location']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_store` CHANGE `email` `email` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_contact` CHANGE `email` `email` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_contact_lang` CHANGE `name` `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_category_lang` CHANGE `meta_title` `meta_title` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, CHANGE `meta_description` `meta_description` VARCHAR(512) DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_cms_category_lang` CHANGE `meta_title` `meta_title` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, CHANGE `meta_description` `meta_description` VARCHAR(512) DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_customer` CHANGE `company` `company` VARCHAR(255), CHANGE `email` `email` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, CHANGE `passwd` `passwd` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_manufacturer_lang` CHANGE `meta_title` `meta_title` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, CHANGE `meta_description` `meta_description` VARCHAR(512) DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_employee` CHANGE `firstname` `firstname` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, CHANGE `email` `email` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, CHANGE `passwd` `passwd` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, CHANGE `lastname` `lastname` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_referrer` CHANGE `passwd` `passwd` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_supply_order_history` CHANGE `employee_lastname` `employee_lastname` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '', CHANGE `employee_firstname` `employee_firstname` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_supply_order_receipt_history` CHANGE `employee_firstname` `employee_firstname` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_supplier_lang` CHANGE `meta_description` `meta_description` VARCHAR(512) DEFAULT NULL, CHANGE `meta_title` `meta_title` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_order_detail` CHANGE `product_reference` `product_reference` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_product` CHANGE `supplier_reference` `supplier_reference` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_product_attribute` CHANGE `reference` `reference` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL, CHANGE `supplier_reference` `supplier_reference` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_warehouse` CHANGE `reference` `reference` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_stock` CHANGE `reference` `reference` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_supply_order_detail` CHANGE `reference` `reference` varchar(64) NOT NULL, CHANGE `supplier_reference` `supplier_reference` varchar(64) NOT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_product_supplier` CHANGE `product_supplier_reference` `product_supplier_reference` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_product_lang` CHANGE `meta_description` `meta_description` varchar(512) DEFAULT NULL, CHANGE `meta_keywords` `meta_keywords` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_customer_thread` CHANGE `email` `email` varchar(255) NOT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET SESSION sql_mode='']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET NAMES 'utf8']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_supply_order_receipt_history` CHANGE `employee_lastname` `employee_lastname` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_product` CHANGE `reference` `reference` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : ALTER TABLE `ps_order_detail` CHANGE `product_supplier_reference` `product_supplier_reference` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : -- Update default links in quick access UPDATE `ps_quick_access` SET `link` = "index.php/improve/modules/manage" WHERE link = "index.php/module/manage"]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `ps_quick_access` SET `link` = "index.php/sell/catalog/products/new" WHERE link = "index.php/product/new"]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* PHP:ps_1751_update_module_sf_tab(); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET SESSION sql_mode = '']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET NAMES 'utf8']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_currency` ADD `numeric_iso_code` varchar(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `iso_code`: Duplicate column name 'numeric_iso_code']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_currency` ADD `precision` int(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 6 AFTER `numeric_iso_code`: Duplicate column name 'precision']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1061 in ALTER TABLE `ps_currency` ADD KEY `currency_iso_code` (`iso_code`): Duplicate key name 'currency_iso_code']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1050 in /* Localized currency information */ CREATE TABLE `ps_currency_lang` ( `id_currency` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_lang` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `symbol` varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_currency`,`id_lang`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_currency_lang' already exists]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* PHP:ps_1760_copy_data_from_currency_to_currency_lang(); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : /* Module Manager tab should be the first tab in Modules Tab */ UPDATE `ps_tab` SET `position` = 0 WHERE `class_name` = 'AdminModulesSf' AND `position`= 1]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : UPDATE `ps_tab` SET `position` = 1 WHERE `class_name` = 'AdminParentModulesCatalog' AND `position`= 0]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : /* Fix Problem with missing lang entries in Configuration */ INSERT INTO `ps_configuration_lang` (`id_configuration`, `id_lang`, `value`) SELECT `id_configuration`, l.`id_lang`, `value` FROM `ps_configuration` c JOIN `ps_lang_shop` l on l.`id_shop` = COALESCE(c.`id_shop`, 1) WHERE `name` IN ( 'PS_DELIVERY_PREFIX', 'PS_INVOICE_PREFIX', 'PS_INVOICE_LEGAL_FREE_TEXT', 'PS_INVOICE_FREE_TEXT', 'PS_RETURN_PREFIX', 'PS_SEARCH_BLACKLIST', 'PS_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SIGNATURE', 'PS_MAINTENANCE_TEXT', 'PS_LABEL_IN_STOCK_PRODUCTS', 'PS_LABEL_OOS_PRODUCTS_BOA', 'PS_LABEL_OOS_PRODUCTS_BOD' ) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `ps_configuration_lang` WHERE `id_configuration` = c.`id_configuration`)]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* PHP:ps_1760_update_configuration(); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* PHP:ps_1760_update_tabs(); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : /* Insert new hooks */ INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_hook` (`id_hook`, `name`, `title`, `description`, `position`) VALUES (NULL, 'actionListMailThemes', 'List the available email themes and layouts', 'This hook allows to add/remove available email themes (ThemeInterface) and/or to add/remove their layouts (LayoutInterface)', '1'), (NULL, 'actionGetMailThemeFolder', 'Define the folder of an email theme', 'This hook allows to change the folder of an email theme (useful if you theme is in a module for example)', '1'), (NULL, 'actionBuildMailLayoutVariables', 'Build the variables used in email layout rendering', 'This hook allows to change the variables used when an email layout is rendered', '1'), (NULL, 'actionGetMailLayoutTransformations', 'Define the transformation to apply on layout', 'This hook allows to add/remove TransformationInterface used to generate an email layout', '1'), (NULL, 'actionSqlRequestFormBuilderModifier', 'Modify sql request identifiable object form', 'This hook allows to modify sql request identifiable object forms content by modifying form builder data or FormBuilder itself', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCustomerFormBuilderModifier', 'Modify customer identifiable object form', 'This hook allows to modify customer identifiable object forms content by modifying form builder data or FormBuilder itself', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionLanguageFormBuilderModifier', 'Modify language identifiable object form', 'This hook allows to modify language identifiable object forms content by modifying form builder data or FormBuilder itself', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCurrencyFormBuilderModifier', 'Modify currency identifiable object form', 'This hook allows to modify currency identifiable object forms content by modifying form builder data or FormBuilder itself', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionWebserviceKeyFormBuilderModifier', 'Modify webservice key identifiable object form', 'This hook allows to modify webservice key identifiable object forms content by modifying form builder data or FormBuilder itself', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionMetaFormBuilderModifier', 'Modify meta identifiable object form', 'This hook allows to modify meta identifiable object forms content by modifying form builder data or FormBuilder itself', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCategoryFormBuilderModifier', 'Modify category identifiable object form', 'This hook allows to modify category identifiable object forms content by modifying form builder data or FormBuilder itself', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionRootCategoryFormBuilderModifier', 'Modify root category identifiable object form', 'This hook allows to modify root category identifiable object forms content by modifying form builder data or FormBuilder itself', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionContactFormBuilderModifier', 'Modify contact identifiable object form', 'This hook allows to modify contact identifiable object forms content by modifying form builder data or FormBuilder itself', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCmsPageCategoryFormBuilderModifier', 'Modify cms page category identifiable object form', 'This hook allows to modify cms page category identifiable object forms content by modifying form builder data or FormBuilder itself', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionTaxFormBuilderModifier', 'Modify tax identifiable object form', 'This hook allows to modify tax identifiable object forms content by modifying form builder data or FormBuilder itself', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionManufacturerFormBuilderModifier', 'Modify manufacturer identifiable object form', 'This hook allows to modify manufacturer identifiable object forms content by modifying form builder data or FormBuilder itself', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionEmployeeFormBuilderModifier', 'Modify employee identifiable object form', 'This hook allows to modify employee identifiable object forms content by modifying form builder data or FormBuilder itself', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionProfileFormBuilderModifier', 'Modify profile identifiable object form', 'This hook allows to modify profile identifiable object forms content by modifying form builder data or FormBuilder itself', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCmsPageFormBuilderModifier', 'Modify cms page identifiable object form', 'This hook allows to modify cms page identifiable object forms content by modifying form builder data or FormBuilder itself', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionManufacturerAddressFormBuilderModifier', 'Modify manufacturer address identifiable object form', 'This hook allows to modify manufacturer address identifiable object forms content by modifying form builder data or FormBuilder itself', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeUpdateSqlRequestFormHandler', 'Modify sql request identifiable object data before updating it', 'This hook allows to modify sql request identifiable object forms data before it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeUpdateCustomerFormHandler', 'Modify customer identifiable object data before updating it', 'This hook allows to modify customer identifiable object forms data before it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeUpdateLanguageFormHandler', 'Modify language identifiable object data before updating it', 'This hook allows to modify language identifiable object forms data before it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeUpdateCurrencyFormHandler', 'Modify currency identifiable object data before updating it', 'This hook allows to modify currency identifiable object forms data before it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeUpdateWebserviceKeyFormHandler', 'Modify webservice key identifiable object data before updating it', 'This hook allows to modify webservice key identifiable object forms data before it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeUpdateMetaFormHandler', 'Modify meta identifiable object data before updating it', 'This hook allows to modify meta identifiable object forms data before it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeUpdateCategoryFormHandler', 'Modify category identifiable object data before updating it', 'This hook allows to modify category identifiable object forms data before it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeUpdateRootCategoryFormHandler', 'Modify root category identifiable object data before updating it', 'This hook allows to modify root category identifiable object forms data before it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeUpdateContactFormHandler', 'Modify contact identifiable object data before updating it', 'This hook allows to modify contact identifiable object forms data before it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeUpdateCmsPageCategoryFormHandler', 'Modify cms page category identifiable object data before updating it', 'This hook allows to modify cms page category identifiable object forms data before it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeUpdateTaxFormHandler', 'Modify tax identifiable object data before updating it', 'This hook allows to modify tax identifiable object forms data before it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeUpdateManufacturerFormHandler', 'Modify manufacturer identifiable object data before updating it', 'This hook allows to modify manufacturer identifiable object forms data before it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeUpdateEmployeeFormHandler', 'Modify employee identifiable object data before updating it', 'This hook allows to modify employee identifiable object forms data before it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeUpdateProfileFormHandler', 'Modify profile identifiable object data before updating it', 'This hook allows to modify profile identifiable object forms data before it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeUpdateCmsPageFormHandler', 'Modify cms page identifiable object data before updating it', 'This hook allows to modify cms page identifiable object forms data before it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeUpdateManufacturerAddressFormHandler', 'Modify manufacturer address identifiable object data before updating it', 'This hook allows to modify manufacturer address identifiable object forms data before it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterUpdateSqlRequestFormHandler', 'Modify sql request identifiable object data after updating it', 'This hook allows to modify sql request identifiable object forms data after it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterUpdateCustomerFormHandler', 'Modify customer identifiable object data after updating it', 'This hook allows to modify customer identifiable object forms data after it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterUpdateLanguageFormHandler', 'Modify language identifiable object data after updating it', 'This hook allows to modify language identifiable object forms data after it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterUpdateCurrencyFormHandler', 'Modify currency identifiable object data after updating it', 'This hook allows to modify currency identifiable object forms data after it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterUpdateWebserviceKeyFormHandler', 'Modify webservice key identifiable object data after updating it', 'This hook allows to modify webservice key identifiable object forms data after it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterUpdateMetaFormHandler', 'Modify meta identifiable object data after updating it', 'This hook allows to modify meta identifiable object forms data after it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterUpdateCategoryFormHandler', 'Modify category identifiable object data after updating it', 'This hook allows to modify category identifiable object forms data after it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterUpdateRootCategoryFormHandler', 'Modify root category identifiable object data after updating it', 'This hook allows to modify root category identifiable object forms data after it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterUpdateContactFormHandler', 'Modify contact identifiable object data after updating it', 'This hook allows to modify contact identifiable object forms data after it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterUpdateCmsPageCategoryFormHandler', 'Modify cms page category identifiable object data after updating it', 'This hook allows to modify cms page category identifiable object forms data after it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterUpdateTaxFormHandler', 'Modify tax identifiable object data after updating it', 'This hook allows to modify tax identifiable object forms data after it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterUpdateManufacturerFormHandler', 'Modify manufacturer identifiable object data after updating it', 'This hook allows to modify manufacturer identifiable object forms data after it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterUpdateEmployeeFormHandler', 'Modify employee identifiable object data after updating it', 'This hook allows to modify employee identifiable object forms data after it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterUpdateProfileFormHandler', 'Modify profile identifiable object data after updating it', 'This hook allows to modify profile identifiable object forms data after it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterUpdateCmsPageFormHandler', 'Modify cms page identifiable object data after updating it', 'This hook allows to modify cms page identifiable object forms data after it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterUpdateManufacturerAddressFormHandler', 'Modify manufacturer address identifiable object data after updating it', 'This hook allows to modify manufacturer address identifiable object forms data after it was updated', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeCreateSqlRequestFormHandler', 'Modify sql request identifiable object data before creating it', 'This hook allows to modify sql request identifiable object forms data before it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeCreateCustomerFormHandler', 'Modify customer identifiable object data before creating it', 'This hook allows to modify customer identifiable object forms data before it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeCreateLanguageFormHandler', 'Modify language identifiable object data before creating it', 'This hook allows to modify language identifiable object forms data before it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeCreateCurrencyFormHandler', 'Modify currency identifiable object data before creating it', 'This hook allows to modify currency identifiable object forms data before it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeCreateWebserviceKeyFormHandler', 'Modify webservice key identifiable object data before creating it', 'This hook allows to modify webservice key identifiable object forms data before it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeCreateMetaFormHandler', 'Modify meta identifiable object data before creating it', 'This hook allows to modify meta identifiable object forms data before it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeCreateCategoryFormHandler', 'Modify category identifiable object data before creating it', 'This hook allows to modify category identifiable object forms data before it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeCreateRootCategoryFormHandler', 'Modify root category identifiable object data before creating it', 'This hook allows to modify root category identifiable object forms data before it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeCreateContactFormHandler', 'Modify contact identifiable object data before creating it', 'This hook allows to modify contact identifiable object forms data before it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeCreateCmsPageCategoryFormHandler', 'Modify cms page category identifiable object data before creating it', 'This hook allows to modify cms page category identifiable object forms data before it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeCreateTaxFormHandler', 'Modify tax identifiable object data before creating it', 'This hook allows to modify tax identifiable object forms data before it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeCreateManufacturerFormHandler', 'Modify manufacturer identifiable object data before creating it', 'This hook allows to modify manufacturer identifiable object forms data before it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeCreateEmployeeFormHandler', 'Modify employee identifiable object data before creating it', 'This hook allows to modify employee identifiable object forms data before it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeCreateProfileFormHandler', 'Modify profile identifiable object data before creating it', 'This hook allows to modify profile identifiable object forms data before it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeCreateCmsPageFormHandler', 'Modify cms page identifiable object data before creating it', 'This hook allows to modify cms page identifiable object forms data before it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBeforeCreateManufacturerAddressFormHandler', 'Modify manufacturer address identifiable object data before creating it', 'This hook allows to modify manufacturer address identifiable object forms data before it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterCreateSqlRequestFormHandler', 'Modify sql request identifiable object data after creating it', 'This hook allows to modify sql request identifiable object forms data after it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterCreateCustomerFormHandler', 'Modify customer identifiable object data after creating it', 'This hook allows to modify customer identifiable object forms data after it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterCreateLanguageFormHandler', 'Modify language identifiable object data after creating it', 'This hook allows to modify language identifiable object forms data after it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterCreateCurrencyFormHandler', 'Modify currency identifiable object data after creating it', 'This hook allows to modify currency identifiable object forms data after it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterCreateWebserviceKeyFormHandler', 'Modify webservice key identifiable object data after creating it', 'This hook allows to modify webservice key identifiable object forms data after it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterCreateMetaFormHandler', 'Modify meta identifiable object data after creating it', 'This hook allows to modify meta identifiable object forms data after it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterCreateCategoryFormHandler', 'Modify category identifiable object data after creating it', 'This hook allows to modify category identifiable object forms data after it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterCreateRootCategoryFormHandler', 'Modify root category identifiable object data after creating it', 'This hook allows to modify root category identifiable object forms data after it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterCreateContactFormHandler', 'Modify contact identifiable object data after creating it', 'This hook allows to modify contact identifiable object forms data after it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterCreateCmsPageCategoryFormHandler', 'Modify cms page category identifiable object data after creating it', 'This hook allows to modify cms page category identifiable object forms data after it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterCreateTaxFormHandler', 'Modify tax identifiable object data after creating it', 'This hook allows to modify tax identifiable object forms data after it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterCreateManufacturerFormHandler', 'Modify manufacturer identifiable object data after creating it', 'This hook allows to modify manufacturer identifiable object forms data after it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterCreateEmployeeFormHandler', 'Modify employee identifiable object data after creating it', 'This hook allows to modify employee identifiable object forms data after it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterCreateProfileFormHandler', 'Modify profile identifiable object data after creating it', 'This hook allows to modify profile identifiable object forms data after it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterCreateCmsPageFormHandler', 'Modify cms page identifiable object data after creating it', 'This hook allows to modify cms page identifiable object forms data after it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAfterCreateManufacturerAddressFormHandler', 'Modify manufacturer address identifiable object data after creating it', 'This hook allows to modify manufacturer address identifiable object forms data after it was created', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionShippingPreferencesPageForm', 'Modify shipping preferences page options form content', 'This hook allows to modify shipping preferences page options form FormBuilder', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionOrdersInvoicesByDateForm', 'Modify orders invoices by date options form content', 'This hook allows to modify orders invoices by date options form FormBuilder', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionOrdersInvoicesByStatusForm', 'Modify orders invoices by status options form content', 'This hook allows to modify orders invoices by status options form FormBuilder', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionOrdersInvoicesOptionsForm', 'Modify orders invoices options options form content', 'This hook allows to modify orders invoices options options form FormBuilder', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCustomerPreferencesPageForm', 'Modify customer preferences page options form content', 'This hook allows to modify customer preferences page options form FormBuilder', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionOrderPreferencesPageForm', 'Modify order preferences page options form content', 'This hook allows to modify order preferences page options form FormBuilder', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionProductPreferencesPageForm', 'Modify product preferences page options form content', 'This hook allows to modify product preferences page options form FormBuilder', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionGeneralPageForm', 'Modify general page options form content', 'This hook allows to modify general page options form FormBuilder', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionLogsPageForm', 'Modify logs page options form content', 'This hook allows to modify logs page options form FormBuilder', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionOrderDeliverySlipOptionsForm', 'Modify order delivery slip options options form content', 'This hook allows to modify order delivery slip options options form FormBuilder', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionOrderDeliverySlipPdfForm', 'Modify order delivery slip pdf options form content', 'This hook allows to modify order delivery slip pdf options form FormBuilder', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionGeolocationPageForm', 'Modify geolocation page options form content', 'This hook allows to modify geolocation page options form FormBuilder', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionLocalizationPageForm', 'Modify localization page options form content', 'This hook allows to modify localization page options form FormBuilder', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionPaymentPreferencesForm', 'Modify payment preferences options form content', 'This hook allows to modify payment preferences options form FormBuilder', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionEmailConfigurationForm', 'Modify email configuration options form content', 'This hook allows to modify email configuration options form FormBuilder', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionRequestSqlForm', 'Modify request sql options form content', 'This hook allows to modify request sql options form FormBuilder', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBackupForm', 'Modify backup options form content', 'This hook allows to modify backup options form FormBuilder', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionWebservicePageForm', 'Modify webservice page options form content', 'This hook allows to modify webservice page options form FormBuilder', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionMetaPageForm', 'Modify meta page options form content', 'This hook allows to modify meta page options form FormBuilder', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionEmployeeForm', 'Modify employee options form content', 'This hook allows to modify employee options form FormBuilder', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCurrencyForm', 'Modify currency options form content', 'This hook allows to modify currency options form FormBuilder', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionShopLogoForm', 'Modify shop logo options form content', 'This hook allows to modify shop logo options form FormBuilder', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionTaxForm', 'Modify tax options form content', 'This hook allows to modify tax options form FormBuilder', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionMailThemeForm', 'Modify mail theme options form content', 'This hook allows to modify mail theme options form FormBuilder', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionPerformancePageSave', 'Modify performance page options form saved data', 'This hook allows to modify data of performance page options form after it was saved', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionMaintenancePageSave', 'Modify maintenance page options form saved data', 'This hook allows to modify data of maintenance page options form after it was saved', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionAdministrationPageSave', 'Modify administration page options form saved data', 'This hook allows to modify data of administration page options form after it was saved', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionShippingPreferencesPageSave', 'Modify shipping preferences page options form saved data', 'This hook allows to modify data of shipping preferences page options form after it was saved', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionOrdersInvoicesByDateSave', 'Modify orders invoices by date options form saved data', 'This hook allows to modify data of orders invoices by date options form after it was saved', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionOrdersInvoicesByStatusSave', 'Modify orders invoices by status options form saved data', 'This hook allows to modify data of orders invoices by status options form after it was saved', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionOrdersInvoicesOptionsSave', 'Modify orders invoices options options form saved data', 'This hook allows to modify data of orders invoices options options form after it was saved', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCustomerPreferencesPageSave', 'Modify customer preferences page options form saved data', 'This hook allows to modify data of customer preferences page options form after it was saved', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionOrderPreferencesPageSave', 'Modify order preferences page options form saved data', 'This hook allows to modify data of order preferences page options form after it was saved', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionProductPreferencesPageSave', 'Modify product preferences page options form saved data', 'This hook allows to modify data of product preferences page options form after it was saved', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionGeneralPageSave', 'Modify general page options form saved data', 'This hook allows to modify data of general page options form after it was saved', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionLogsPageSave', 'Modify logs page options form saved data', 'This hook allows to modify data of logs page options form after it was saved', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionOrderDeliverySlipOptionsSave', 'Modify order delivery slip options options form saved data', 'This hook allows to modify data of order delivery slip options options form after it was saved', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionOrderDeliverySlipPdfSave', 'Modify order delivery slip pdf options form saved data', 'This hook allows to modify data of order delivery slip pdf options form after it was saved', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionGeolocationPageSave', 'Modify geolocation page options form saved data', 'This hook allows to modify data of geolocation page options form after it was saved', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionLocalizationPageSave', 'Modify localization page options form saved data', 'This hook allows to modify data of localization page options form after it was saved', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionPaymentPreferencesSave', 'Modify payment preferences options form saved data', 'This hook allows to modify data of payment preferences options form after it was saved', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionEmailConfigurationSave', 'Modify email configuration options form saved data', 'This hook allows to modify data of email configuration options form after it was saved', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionRequestSqlSave', 'Modify request sql options form saved data', 'This hook allows to modify data of request sql options form after it was saved', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBackupSave', 'Modify backup options form saved data', 'This hook allows to modify data of backup options form after it was saved', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionWebservicePageSave', 'Modify webservice page options form saved data', 'This hook allows to modify data of webservice page options form after it was saved', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionMetaPageSave', 'Modify meta page options form saved data', 'This hook allows to modify data of meta page options form after it was saved', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionEmployeeSave', 'Modify employee options form saved data', 'This hook allows to modify data of employee options form after it was saved', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCurrencySave', 'Modify currency options form saved data', 'This hook allows to modify data of currency options form after it was saved', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionShopLogoSave', 'Modify shop logo options form saved data', 'This hook allows to modify data of shop logo options form after it was saved', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionTaxSave', 'Modify tax options form saved data', 'This hook allows to modify data of tax options form after it was saved', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionMailThemeSave', 'Modify mail theme options form saved data', 'This hook allows to modify data of mail theme options form after it was saved', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCategoryGridDefinitionModifier', 'Modify category grid definition', 'This hook allows to alter category grid columns, actions and filters', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionEmployeeGridDefinitionModifier', 'Modify employee grid definition', 'This hook allows to alter employee grid columns, actions and filters', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionContactGridDefinitionModifier', 'Modify contact grid definition', 'This hook allows to alter contact grid columns, actions and filters', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCustomerGridDefinitionModifier', 'Modify customer grid definition', 'This hook allows to alter customer grid columns, actions and filters', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionLanguageGridDefinitionModifier', 'Modify language grid definition', 'This hook allows to alter language grid columns, actions and filters', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCurrencyGridDefinitionModifier', 'Modify currency grid definition', 'This hook allows to alter currency grid columns, actions and filters', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionSupplierGridDefinitionModifier', 'Modify supplier grid definition', 'This hook allows to alter supplier grid columns, actions and filters', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionProfileGridDefinitionModifier', 'Modify profile grid definition', 'This hook allows to alter profile grid columns, actions and filters', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCmsPageCategoryGridDefinitionModifier', 'Modify cms page category grid definition', 'This hook allows to alter cms page category grid columns, actions and filters', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionTaxGridDefinitionModifier', 'Modify tax grid definition', 'This hook allows to alter tax grid columns, actions and filters', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionManufacturerGridDefinitionModifier', 'Modify manufacturer grid definition', 'This hook allows to alter manufacturer grid columns, actions and filters', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionManufacturerAddressGridDefinitionModifier', 'Modify manufacturer address grid definition', 'This hook allows to alter manufacturer address grid columns, actions and filters', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCmsPageGridDefinitionModifier', 'Modify cms page grid definition', 'This hook allows to alter cms page grid columns, actions and filters', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBackupGridQueryBuilderModifier', 'Modify backup grid query builder', 'This hook allows to alter Doctrine query builder for backup grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCategoryGridQueryBuilderModifier', 'Modify category grid query builder', 'This hook allows to alter Doctrine query builder for category grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionEmployeeGridQueryBuilderModifier', 'Modify employee grid query builder', 'This hook allows to alter Doctrine query builder for employee grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionContactGridQueryBuilderModifier', 'Modify contact grid query builder', 'This hook allows to alter Doctrine query builder for contact grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCustomerGridQueryBuilderModifier', 'Modify customer grid query builder', 'This hook allows to alter Doctrine query builder for customer grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionLanguageGridQueryBuilderModifier', 'Modify language grid query builder', 'This hook allows to alter Doctrine query builder for language grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCurrencyGridQueryBuilderModifier', 'Modify currency grid query builder', 'This hook allows to alter Doctrine query builder for currency grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionSupplierGridQueryBuilderModifier', 'Modify supplier grid query builder', 'This hook allows to alter Doctrine query builder for supplier grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionProfileGridQueryBuilderModifier', 'Modify profile grid query builder', 'This hook allows to alter Doctrine query builder for profile grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCmsPageCategoryGridQueryBuilderModifier', 'Modify cms page category grid query builder', 'This hook allows to alter Doctrine query builder for cms page category grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionTaxGridQueryBuilderModifier', 'Modify tax grid query builder', 'This hook allows to alter Doctrine query builder for tax grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionManufacturerGridQueryBuilderModifier', 'Modify manufacturer grid query builder', 'This hook allows to alter Doctrine query builder for manufacturer grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionManufacturerAddressGridQueryBuilderModifier', 'Modify manufacturer address grid query builder', 'This hook allows to alter Doctrine query builder for manufacturer address grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCmsPageGridQueryBuilderModifier', 'Modify cms page grid query builder', 'This hook allows to alter Doctrine query builder for cms page grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionLogsGridDataModifier', 'Modify logs grid data', 'This hook allows to modify logs grid data', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionEmailLogsGridDataModifier', 'Modify email logs grid data', 'This hook allows to modify email logs grid data', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionSqlRequestGridDataModifier', 'Modify sql request grid data', 'This hook allows to modify sql request grid data', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionBackupGridDataModifier', 'Modify backup grid data', 'This hook allows to modify backup grid data', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionWebserviceKeyGridDataModifier', 'Modify webservice key grid data', 'This hook allows to modify webservice key grid data', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionMetaGridDataModifier', 'Modify meta grid data', 'This hook allows to modify meta grid data', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCategoryGridDataModifier', 'Modify category grid data', 'This hook allows to modify category grid data', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionEmployeeGridDataModifier', 'Modify employee grid data', 'This hook allows to modify employee grid data', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionContactGridDataModifier', 'Modify contact grid data', 'This hook allows to modify contact grid data', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCustomerGridDataModifier', 'Modify customer grid data', 'This hook allows to modify customer grid data', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionLanguageGridDataModifier', 'Modify language grid data', 'This hook allows to modify language grid data', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCurrencyGridDataModifier', 'Modify currency grid data', 'This hook allows to modify currency grid data', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionSupplierGridDataModifier', 'Modify supplier grid data', 'This hook allows to modify supplier grid data', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionProfileGridDataModifier', 'Modify profile grid data', 'This hook allows to modify profile grid data', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCmsPageCategoryGridDataModifier', 'Modify cms page category grid data', 'This hook allows to modify cms page category grid data', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionTaxGridDataModifier', 'Modify tax grid data', 'This hook allows to modify tax grid data', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionManufacturerGridDataModifier', 'Modify manufacturer grid data', 'This hook allows to modify manufacturer grid data', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionManufacturerAddressGridDataModifier', 'Modify manufacturer address grid data', 'This hook allows to modify manufacturer address grid data', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCmsPageGridDataModifier', 'Modify cms page grid data', 'This hook allows to modify cms page grid data', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCategoryGridFilterFormModifier', 'Modify category grid filters', 'This hook allows to modify filters for category grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionEmployeeGridFilterFormModifier', 'Modify employee grid filters', 'This hook allows to modify filters for employee grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionContactGridFilterFormModifier', 'Modify contact grid filters', 'This hook allows to modify filters for contact grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCustomerGridFilterFormModifier', 'Modify customer grid filters', 'This hook allows to modify filters for customer grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionLanguageGridFilterFormModifier', 'Modify language grid filters', 'This hook allows to modify filters for language grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCurrencyGridFilterFormModifier', 'Modify currency grid filters', 'This hook allows to modify filters for currency grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionSupplierGridFilterFormModifier', 'Modify supplier grid filters', 'This hook allows to modify filters for supplier grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionProfileGridFilterFormModifier', 'Modify profile grid filters', 'This hook allows to modify filters for profile grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCmsPageCategoryGridFilterFormModifier', 'Modify cms page category grid filters', 'This hook allows to modify filters for cms page category grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionTaxGridFilterFormModifier', 'Modify tax grid filters', 'This hook allows to modify filters for tax grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionManufacturerGridFilterFormModifier', 'Modify manufacturer grid filters', 'This hook allows to modify filters for manufacturer grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionManufacturerAddressGridFilterFormModifier', 'Modify manufacturer address grid filters', 'This hook allows to modify filters for manufacturer address grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCmsPageGridFilterFormModifier', 'Modify cms page grid filters', 'This hook allows to modify filters for cms page grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCategoryGridPresenterModifier', 'Modify category grid template data', 'This hook allows to modify data which is about to be used in template for category grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionEmployeeGridPresenterModifier', 'Modify employee grid template data', 'This hook allows to modify data which is about to be used in template for employee grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionContactGridPresenterModifier', 'Modify contact grid template data', 'This hook allows to modify data which is about to be used in template for contact grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCustomerGridPresenterModifier', 'Modify customer grid template data', 'This hook allows to modify data which is about to be used in template for customer grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionLanguageGridPresenterModifier', 'Modify language grid template data', 'This hook allows to modify data which is about to be used in template for language grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCurrencyGridPresenterModifier', 'Modify currency grid template data', 'This hook allows to modify data which is about to be used in template for currency grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionSupplierGridPresenterModifier', 'Modify supplier grid template data', 'This hook allows to modify data which is about to be used in template for supplier grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionProfileGridPresenterModifier', 'Modify profile grid template data', 'This hook allows to modify data which is about to be used in template for profile grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCmsPageCategoryGridPresenterModifier', 'Modify cms page category grid template data', 'This hook allows to modify data which is about to be used in template for cms page category grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionTaxGridPresenterModifier', 'Modify tax grid template data', 'This hook allows to modify data which is about to be used in template for tax grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionManufacturerGridPresenterModifier', 'Modify manufacturer grid template data', 'This hook allows to modify data which is about to be used in template for manufacturer grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionManufacturerAddressGridPresenterModifier', 'Modify manufacturer address grid template data', 'This hook allows to modify data which is about to be used in template for manufacturer address grid', '1 '), (NULL, 'actionCmsPageGridPresenterModifier', 'Modify cms page grid template data', 'This hook allows to modify data which is about to be used in template for cms page grid', '1 ')]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_authorization_role` (`slug`) VALUES ('ROLE_MOD_TAB_ADMINMODULESMANAGE_CREATE'), ('ROLE_MOD_TAB_ADMINMODULESMANAGE_READ'), ('ROLE_MOD_TAB_ADMINMODULESMANAGE_UPDATE'), ('ROLE_MOD_TAB_ADMINMODULESMANAGE_DELETE')]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_authorization_role` (`slug`) VALUES ('ROLE_MOD_TAB_ADMINMODULESCATALOG_CREATE'), ('ROLE_MOD_TAB_ADMINMODULESCATALOG_READ'), ('ROLE_MOD_TAB_ADMINMODULESCATALOG_UPDATE'), ('ROLE_MOD_TAB_ADMINMODULESCATALOG_DELETE')]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_authorization_role` (`slug`) VALUES ('ROLE_MOD_TAB_ADMINPARENTMODULESCATALOG_CREATE'), ('ROLE_MOD_TAB_ADMINPARENTMODULESCATALOG_READ'), ('ROLE_MOD_TAB_ADMINPARENTMODULESCATALOG_UPDATE'), ('ROLE_MOD_TAB_ADMINPARENTMODULESCATALOG_DELETE')]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET SESSION sql_mode = '']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET NAMES 'utf8']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* PHP:ps_1761_update_currencies(); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET SESSION sql_mode = '']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET NAMES 'utf8']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : INSERT INTO `ps_category_lang` SELECT `entity`.`id_category`, 1, `entity`.`id_lang`, `entity`.`name`, `entity`.`description`, `entity`.`link_rewrite`, `entity`.`meta_title`, `entity`.`meta_keywords`, `entity`.`meta_description` FROM `ps_category_lang` entity LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` entity2 ON `entity2`.`id_shop` = 1 AND `entity`.`id_category` = `entity2`.`id_category` WHERE `entity2`.`id_shop` IS NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : INSERT INTO `ps_cms_category_lang` SELECT `entity`.`id_cms_category`, `entity`.`id_lang`, 1, `entity`.`name`, `entity`.`description`, `entity`.`link_rewrite`, `entity`.`meta_title`, `entity`.`meta_keywords`, `entity`.`meta_description` FROM `ps_cms_category_lang` entity LEFT JOIN `ps_cms_category_lang` entity2 ON `entity2`.`id_shop` = 1 AND `entity`.`id_cms_category` = `entity2`.`id_cms_category` WHERE `entity2`.`id_shop` IS NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : INSERT INTO `ps_cms_lang` SELECT `entity`.`id_cms`, `entity`.`id_lang`, 1, `entity`.`meta_title`, `entity`.`head_seo_title`, `entity`.`meta_description`, `entity`.`meta_keywords`, `entity`.`content`, `entity`.`link_rewrite` FROM `ps_cms_lang` entity LEFT JOIN `ps_cms_lang` entity2 ON `entity2`.`id_shop` = 1 AND `entity`.`id_cms` = `entity2`.`id_cms` WHERE `entity2`.`id_shop` IS NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : INSERT INTO `ps_cms_role_lang` SELECT `entity`.`id_cms_role`, `entity`.`id_lang`, 1, `entity`.`name` FROM `ps_cms_role_lang` entity LEFT JOIN `ps_cms_role_lang` entity2 ON `entity2`.`id_shop` = 1 AND `entity`.`id_cms_role` = `entity2`.`id_cms_role` WHERE `entity2`.`id_shop` IS NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : INSERT INTO `ps_customization_field_lang` SELECT `entity`.`id_customization_field`, `entity`.`id_lang`, 1, `entity`.`name` FROM `ps_customization_field_lang` entity LEFT JOIN `ps_customization_field_lang` entity2 ON `entity2`.`id_shop` = 1 AND `entity`.`id_customization_field` = `entity2`.`id_customization_field` WHERE `entity2`.`id_shop` IS NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : INSERT INTO `ps_meta_lang` SELECT `entity`.`id_meta`, 1, `entity`.`id_lang`, `entity`.title, `entity`.`description`, `entity`.`keywords`, `entity`.`url_rewrite` FROM `ps_meta_lang` entity LEFT JOIN `ps_meta_lang` entity2 ON `entity2`.`id_shop` = 1 AND `entity`.`id_meta` = `entity2`.`id_meta` WHERE `entity2`.`id_shop` IS NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : INSERT INTO `ps_product_lang` SELECT `entity`.`id_product`, 1, `entity`.`id_lang`, `entity`.`description`, `entity`.`description_short`, `entity`.`link_rewrite`, `entity`.`meta_description`, `entity`.`meta_keywords`, `entity`.`meta_title`, `entity`.`name`, `entity`.`available_now`, `entity`.`available_later`, `entity`.`delivery_in_stock`, `entity`.`delivery_out_stock` FROM `ps_product_lang` entity LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` entity2 ON `entity2`.`id_shop` = 1 AND `entity`.`id_product` = `entity2`.`id_product` WHERE `entity2`.`id_shop` IS NULL]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] PHP : /* PHP:ps_1763_update_tabs(); */]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET SESSION sql_mode='']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[[OK] SQL : SET NAMES 'utf8']]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_employee_session` ( `id_employee_session` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `id_employee` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `token` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY `id_employee_session` (`id_employee_session`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_employee_session' already exists]]> </action> <action result="info" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_customer_session` ( `id_customer_session` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `id_customer` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `token` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY `id_customer_session` (`id_customer_session`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_customer_session' already exists]]> </action> <action result="warning" id=""> <![CDATA[SQL 1146 in INSERT INTO `ps_info_lang` SELECT `entity`.`id_info`, 1, `entity`.`id_lang`, `entity`.`text` FROM `ps_info_lang` entity LEFT JOIN `ps_info_lang` entity2 ON `entity2`.`id_shop` = 1 AND `entity`.`id_info` = `entity2`.`id_info` WHERE `entity2`.`id_shop` IS NULL: Table 'pqfyoazcinefacil.ps_info_lang' doesn't exist]]> </action> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reco-X Posted July 2, 2020 Author Share Posted July 2, 2020 Now the problem I got is that I see everything like this I'm thinking in do a fresh installation of prestashop and overwrite all the tables except the ones that are neccesary for the bussines like products, clients, sells, etc? or what tables do i need to modify to just be like a fresh start with all my products/clients/etc?? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reco-X Posted July 3, 2020 Author Share Posted July 3, 2020 More progress in the way, I modified the ps_shop_url table and now it looks better,but now i got theseerrors: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reco-X Posted July 3, 2020 Author Share Posted July 3, 2020 20 minutes ago, Reco-X said: More progress in the way, I modified the ps_shop_url table and now it looks better,but now i got theseerrors: I can solve this thanks to this posts... As you see there are a lot of gaps in this update, is not straight forwar Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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