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sales amount does not match with valid orders

Jose F. Garcia

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Hello everybody,

I have a problem with my prestashop site, version

In the costumer menu, costumer X has an amount on sales of ‎£36.72 but when you click in that costumer page, still says that costumer has one valid order for a total amount of 36.72 but the truth is that this costumer only had one order for an amount of ‎£17.41

How can I solve this? this is happening with all the orders. What can I do?

Thank you for your help

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Same problem, We work with Prestashop version and with some customers the sales field does not match with the user orders. We use an own payment module.

We use hookActionValidateOrder hook to change the order reference, but when we changed the reference the total_paid_real field changes to  double the total_paid field. Here is my code:


Do you know what is the problem?

// Modify reference if prefix was provided
if ($prefix_order_reference != "") {
$new_reference = $prefix_order_reference.str_pad(strval($order_id), 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
} else {
$new_reference = $params['order']->reference;

// Add reference if information was provided
if ($ws_order_reference != "") {
$new_reference = $new_reference."/".$ws_order_reference;

// Assign new reference
$params['order']->reference = $new_reference;


Edited by Normando Zubia
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