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Problem with virtual products and shipping


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I have a new Prestashop installation, upgraded from

We have some gift vouchers that that are setup as virtual products.  When checking out there is a delivery method listed as free, even though this is a virtual product.  The client can check out, but I don't like the look of it as it will not be delivered in 2-4 days.(automatic method selected and cannot be changed from front end).


We have a drop shipping module that has it's own carrier in so we don't want to change any carrier settings.


 I have setup up a free delivery carrier but this doesn't even show up in the options.

I have also added a file to download after the purchase but this does not make a different.

The client can check out and not pay for delivery but I do not like the esthetics of "Free 2-4 day delivery" especially when the description says 'Instant Electronic Delivery" 


Another problem is when a customer purchases a voucher and a product, in this instance no shipping options are available and the client gets an error saying no shipping options are available for his address.


I have read through many of the forum posts and it seems many people have similar problems, but I have not found a solution yet.

This is the only thing holding us back from going live again after the upgrade.

Any help would be appreciated 

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Confirm whether you are using any third-party theme and default these. As per default Prestashop functionality, if only virtual product is added in the cart the no shipping is displayed on front. Maybe there is some theme issue or you have not configured the virtual product correctly.

Regarding second issue, Check whether you have mapped the shopping for the product, if mapped then check the carrier ranges whether the carrier is mapped for your address or not. Because as per Prestashop default functionality it will first check the mapped carrier that available for the address, if no carrier is mapped then it will select the carrier which allows shipping on that area. Kindly check the screenshot for your reference :
1. https://nimb.ws/uhjYpL
2. https://nimb.ws/l1bEWk

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I am using Z.One Theme, so it is a third party Theme.  It is for sale on the Prestashop addon site so I assumed it was compatible.  


The carrier module is from the dropshop module and we offer world wide delivery so all the boxes are checked in the carrier options, Europe, Africa, etc  I really don't want to modify this module as it is working properly for all items other than the virtual items.  


Virtual items are setup correctly as virtual items.  I have tried creating new virtual items as well as the same issue occurs with the shipping at check out.


I have included some screen shots:

1.  Just a voucher

2.  Voucher and normal item - showing free shipping

3.  On trying to check out with voucher and item, error showing no shipping options available

4.  Checkout with just an item no voucher.







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  • 1 year later...

Hi, MarioWeb

Did you manage to resolve your second problem? ("

Another problem is when a customer purchases a voucher and a product, in this instance no shipping options are available and the client gets an error saying no shipping options are available for his address.")

I have the same issue on


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  • 2 years later...

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