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How to delete customers when got an error


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I need to know how to identify spam customers.
Can you give a list?
An example of why there is an error in lastname!
Then I'll give you a sample script on how to remove unwanted customers in bulk and how to handle their registration.

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Copy text and save to prestashop root folder.

This script removes fake customers and orders when the last name contains www in the name.

File name: fake-delete.php

    $get_fake_customer = Db::getInstance()->executeS("SELECT id_customer FROM "._DB_PREFIX_."customer WHERE lastname LIKE '%www.%'");
    $result = '';
    foreach ($get_fake_customer as $fake_customer) {
        $customer = new Customer($fake_customer['id_customer']);
        if ($customer->delete()) {
            $result .= 'id customer: '.$fake_customer['id_customer'].' - DELETED'.'<br />';
            $get_order = Db::getInstance()->executeS('SELECT id_order FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'orders WHERE id_customer = '.$fake_customer['id_customer']);
            if ($get_order) {
                foreach ($get_order as $orders) {
                    $order = new Order($orders['id_order']);
                    if ($order->delete()) {
                        $result .= 'id order: '.$orders['id_order'].' - DELETED'.'<br />';    
                    } else {
                        $result .= 'id order: '.$orders['id_order'].' - NOT DELETED'.'<br />';    

        } else  {
            $result .= 'id customer: '.$fake_customer['id_customer'].' - NOT DELETED'.'<br />';
    echo $result;


Edited by Guest (see edit history)
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I'll write the antispam protection script for you tomorrow.
Unfortunately, I don't have time today.
I am sorry.
Just find reCaptcha for register and contact form on the forum.

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Thank you so much @Guest works perfect.

After this invasion of fake messages and account creation I have installed a reCaptcha and few more security layers.

really don't imagine a few lines of code made such a big work on background, you are really good developer.

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