I am building a front module for a website that is using `301 Moved Permanently` option in `SEO and URLs` configuration. Wesbite uses Prestashop
In module, I am defining the route like this:
public static $ModuleRoutes = array(
'module-aacategories-viewmapping-mapping' => array(
'controller' => 'viewmapping',
'rule' => 'mappings{/:tree}',
'keywords' => array( 'tree' => array('regexp' => '[/_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*', 'param' => 'tree'), ),
'params' => array(
'fc' => 'module',
'module' => 'aacategories', )
In browser address bar, when I enter:
I get:
QuotePlease use the following URL instead:
This latter link gives 404. However, when I append `&fc=module` to the url, it goes to desired page.
The problems:
1- How to force Prestashop routing to append `&fc=module` at the end?
2- How to keep the friendly url in address bar and not be redirected?
Note: When I change configuration in SEO and URLs to no redirection, then it works. But it is not the configuration needed in prod.
Your help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.