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Export products: full export with ALL fields


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Hi! I need to export products to CSV file from a shop to build a new shop with old products

But I need to export everything: multiple images for one product, features, multiple categories, EAN etc...

Is there any way to do it? 

I tried to override the AdminProductsController.php, but I doesnt work well. Maybe because  the file class_index.php is not created

Or maybe there is a module that can do all this?

Any help would be great!

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I'd recommend you using Store Manager for PrestaShop (there's a free trial version) for transferring your products from one store to another. And yes, you can export and import them along with categories and product-related data as images, features, etc. You can follow this guide to achieve the task - https://www.prestashopmanager.com/useful-articles/how-to/how-to-transfer-prestashop-database-to-another-store/

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  • 3 years later...


Product-Catalog-Combination-Customer-Address CSV Export

PrestaShop has built-in CSV file data import, such as Categories, Products, Combinations, Customers, Address, Brands, Suppliers, Alias, Store Contacts. This plug-in will automatically be compatible with the above formats and export store CSV files.

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