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Debug AdminController to use hook ListingFieldsModifier

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According to https://devdocs.prestashop.com/1.7/modules/concepts/hooks/list-of-hooks/ 

there is a hook called action<AdminControllerName>ListingFieldsModifier


I would like to use this hook, but in order to do so, I need to debug, to find out what the parameters are, etc.


So then I go into /classes/controller/AdminController.php to public function getList() in line 3153

There, the following code does nothing:

    public function getList(
        $order_by = null,
        $order_way = null,
        $start = 0,
        $limit = null,
        $id_lang_shop = false
    ) {
		//// END OF MY OWN CODE///

        Hook::exec('action' . $this->controller_name . 'ListingFieldsModifier', array(
            'select' => &$this->_select,
            'join' => &$this->_join,
            'where' => &$this->_where,
            'group_by' => &$this->_group,
            'order_by' => &$this->_orderBy,
            'order_way' => &$this->_orderWay,
            'fields' => &$this->fields_list,


The page is loading as if nothing ever happened.

How can I debug anything in this function, when die() and dump() don't do anything?

Edited by theillo (see edit history)
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Thanks for the reply!

Yes, I'm using the dump function, see my code... What am I doing wrong?

Usually, dump(); die(); works perfect, but in this specific case it doesn't seem to do anything. Seems to straight up ignore it.

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What the actual firetruck?

Then why in the hell would the documentation point me to /classes/controller/AdminController.php where the Hook gets called that I wanna use?

I'm so lost right now

So where is the action<AdminControllerName>ListingFieldsModifier Hook located in a "modern" controller? Where does it get called, so I can hook into it?

Edited by theillo (see edit history)
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What the actual F?

Then why in the world would the documentation point me to /classes/controller/AdminController.php where the Hook gets called that I wanna use?

I'm so lost right now

So where is the action<AdminControllerName>ListingFieldsModifier Hook located in a "modern" controller? Where does it get called, so I can hook into it?

Edited by theillo (see edit history)
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I want to add a column to the category list using the hook actionAdminCategoryListingFieldsModifier but I don't even know yet if it's called actionAdminCmsCCategoryListingFieldsModifier or something else.


But that's not going to be a very sustainable method for me to keep developing, if I need to ask you where to find the hooks... What happened to the documentation? Has version 1.8 been released, and the 1.7 documentation is no longer valid?


I'm using by the way, which I've downloaded approximately one month ago...

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Ok. Thanks for the link, this should probably work.

But man, I'm pissed.

I'm in the process of upgrading from 1.6 to 1.7 and now you're telling me the documentation for 1.7 is outdated, because there was a major change in the architecture from 1.7.something to 1.7.6 ?

Who's in charge of versioning at PrestaShop? Who's in charge of making sure that any changes are backwards compatible with the documentation? 

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Well, SemVer has clearly been violated if the hooks that are documented under 1.7 are no longer backwards compatible with a subversion of 1.7


This documentation tells me that in version 1.7 I have a hook available, called action<AdminControllerName>ListingFieldsModifier

But according to everything you've told me here, this 1.7 API is no longer backwards compatible in because the hook no longer gets called, because of a merge to Symfony or whatever.

"MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner"

Functionality was added, but not in a backwards compatible manner, because documented functionality was removed.

So if I'm understanding everything correctly, should really be called 1.8

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Before continuing, it’s important to say that following this release and between 2016 and 2018, most of the original team that developed PrestaShop 1.7 left the company or was reassigned. 

That explains the high number of WTFs per minute............

Thanks this is a great article, allowing me to make a more educated decision about how to move forward with my upgrade.

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