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Importing old database

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I currently running PS 1.3.0 and am getting ready to upgrade to PS 1.4

I'm setting up a local WAMP server to make sure I get can all my customer, order, product, etc. information working in PS 1.4 before I try to take my site down and change to PS 1.4 live.

As for customer & order information, I'm not sure how to import that. I assume importing the database would be the correct way to go. So 1), are PS 1.3.0 databases even compatible with PS 1.4 (or will I be missing out on new features and fields in v1.4)? Or am I going to need to set a new database and enter all the information into the database manually?

Second, if they are compatible, how exactly do I import it? I have created an empty database "test" in phpMyAdmin, and installed v1.4 in that database. Then, I import my current live database from v1.3.0 into another empty database called "prestashop." Then I tried logging into the Back Office, and then Preferences > Database > and change the database name from "test" to "prestashop. Now, should this not allow me to use my old database in v1.4? On my current site, my "prestashop" database has a "prestashop" login, and it also has a password.

When changing my shop to the "prestashop" database in WAMP, I've tried setting the login name to prestashop & root, and I've tried it with and without the password. Regardless of what I do, after trying to change the database in the BO, I get sent to a page that says "The database selection cannot be made." and the shop no longer works.

Anybody have any idea why I can't successfully change/import to the v1.3.0 database, or if its even compatible?

I really appreciate any help you guys can offer.

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ok don't be so nervous to update your shop. It is simple first BACK UP YOUR STORE

back up the ...

Store using a file software such as FileZilla
the MySql database (Make sure to back up as a zipped file)
back up the translations file for your current theme in the back office of your shop
and back up the Database in the back office of your store as well

once you have done a successful back up start the up date (There is no way to test your update first if you try that you will cause a MAJOR issue just backup your current site so if there is an issue you can delete the new update and re install the old)

here is a link you will want to have handy to update http://www.prestashop.com/wiki/Installing_And_Updating_PrestaShop_Software/#Update_PrestaShop

read that install info once or twice B4 U start the update.

As long as you have a back up and follow the directions correctly you will be fine

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Can I smoothly and safely (I would wait till v1.4.1) upgrade from v1.3.0 to v1.4.1?

I just figured that since I have been using an outdated version for quite some time now, it'd just be less of a headache in the long run and more stable to do a fresh install of v1.4.0, import the old database if possible, and then rebuild the theme manually.

As far as products and such, I have CSV files that can be imported.

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whichever way you do, make sure to first upgrade a development copy of your site (not the live one, if you don't have a development copy, make one ), do as much testing as you can on the newly upgraded site, especially checkout, product management and customer registration.

Once you are happy with the result, you can upgrade the live site.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I too am wondering about this. I am working on a fresh install of 1.4, and want to import my database from 1.3.1 - I am not keen on an upgrade, it was my first ship attempt and a lot of the code - I mangled and botched my way though to get the shop up and running!

So now with this fresh install of 1.4, can I import my 1.3.1 customers, products etc?

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No, you cannot, at least not that I'm aware of.

Hm, thats unfortunate to hear; that was what I was hoping/trying to do.

Although, while messing around with 1.4 on a local WAMP server, I noticed that phpMyAdmin has a "Synchronize" feature that allows you to compare two databases, and synchronize the data and structural differences between the two databases.

I wish I could tell you if it worked or not, but I got some "memory exhausted" error in phpMyAdmin (I tried googling for a solution to no avail. It seems to be a common problem).

For anyone else trying to use a 1.3 database, I would try using the Synchronize feature in phpMyAdmin add your 1.3 data into your 1.4 database.

Please post back here if anyone tries this and how it works out for you.
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It seems like the wrong way to go about it, PS has an upgrade future, why not use it?

If this was an acceptable way (which would yield the same results), I'm sure it would have been suggested by Prestashop.

I think you should try to make a test copy of your site, and upgrade that, even if it's only to see how the database gets upgraded.

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