#_desktop_top_menu > ul[data-depth="0"] > li {position:relative;}
Añade eso a tu custom.css en el template de prestashop 1.7 o global.css en prestashop 1.6. Eso hará que el submenú (posicionado en absoluto) tome como referencia el posicionamiento del parent. Luego añade código CSS al child para maquetar el ancho. P.E.
Add that line of code to your custom.css in your current template on PS 1.7, or global.css on PS 1.6. That will make your sub-menu (absolute positioned) take its parent's position as reference. Then just style your child to match your layout.
#_desktop_top_menu .top-menu[data-depth="0"] li .sub-menu {width:300px}
Please, since this is the intl. forum, it'd be appreciated if you'd compose your post in english