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how 2 upgrade 2 prestashop 1.1 without problems

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The only things you need to worry about are things you've changed. :)

Always make sure you take a full backup of all the files, and your database before starting.

Normally (unless you've meddled with the main/core code, so no guarantee that there isn't something vital missing from this!) changes are contained to the following:

1) settings

Just save a copy of /config/settings.inc.php. This won't get overwritten anyway, since this file doesn't exist in the distribution.

2) email templates

You only need to worry about these if you've made any changes to them. If you haven't changed them, then just overwrite with the new versions.

3) translations

Like email templates these will only be an issue should you have changed anything in here. If they're the default files, then overwrite them.

4) images

I don't think there's anything major in here that would be missed, so don't bother copying the files from the 1.1 archive.

5) theme

If you've modified the /themes/prestashop folder directly then you will be taken out and shot at dawn :vampire:

But seriously, even if you have, then simply rename this folder before copying in the files from the 1.1 distribution. Remember to change the settings in the back office to select the new name you've given this, or your site will appear after the upgrade using the 1.1 default theme (not a problem as you can switch them at any time).

5) modules

This is the tricky one, as there's lots of opportunities to modify things in here. Pay particular attention to the editorial module (which will have data created via the back office that you'll lose if you overwrite this folder). In essence just make sure you have backup copies of any files you've changed in here. If you haven't changed anything, then just keep a copy of the files in the editorial module directory (which probably have been changed via the Back Office).

It's unlikely that you've changed anything else, so you can go ahead and overwrite everything else with the new files from the 1.1 distribution (apart from the img folder). Once you've done that, then point your browser at the install folder (you've copied it to your site from the 1.1 distribution, the 1.0 version one should have been deleted the last time you installed) and ensure that it runs the upgrade, and not full install before proceeding. Once the database is upgraded you should delete the install directory again.

You're almost done. The only thing you may have an issue with is that your template may not work properly; upgrading that to the new version could take up a whole topic on it's own depending on how much work you've done on it ;)


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Thank you Paul. I copied everything back to my desktop drive, except the database. So now I can install everything again and manually update the files I' need. Translations will be a bitch, otherwise I think I'm fine. I hope 1.1 is worth it :)

And yes, I did edit the original theme..don't sho0oo0o0o0ooot me! ;)

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Wow...everything works as before..I dont have to...change anything...sounds too good 2 be true..

One thing though,. suddenly, install said directories IMG, MAILS and THEMES/PRESTASHOP/LANG did not have 0777....eh? Wierd. Anyway, I've changed, but system says "You cannot change the status of the default language." And the language has a (!) icon to it..why? :|

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