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Get Image URL using Webservice

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Hi guys

i create a plugin for our own platform to synchronise with any Prestashop. So the following should work in a general way, without changing or adding code in Prestashop:

How to get the image url of a product? currently i have this (using the PHP SDK from here PHP SDK😞

$opt['resource'] = 'products';
$opt['id'] = 1;

$xml = $webService->get($opt);
$resources = $xml->product->children();

$imageObject = $resources->id_default_image;

$productImage = $imageObject->attributes('xlink', true)->href;

But this only returns the permalink: http://prestashop17.bridev.com/api/images/products/1/1

But in order to import the image into our platform, i need the actual URL: http://prestashop17.bridev.com/2-large_default/hummingbird-printed-t-shirt.jpg

As far as i can see, only the permalink is in the returned XML. 

Does anybody know, how to get to the actual URL of an image?  or is it possible to form a url that gets the image? (like this: http://prestashop17.bridev.com/?getImage&images/products/1/1. i think i saw something link that....)

Thank you!


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one way to get the actual image is to request eg /api/images/products/1/1. and then file_put_contents the $request['response'].

but this is kind of cumbersome because there is no original filename and you have to extract the image type from the response header. i use Content-Sha1 in the header to name the file (that way i know if the file is already imported)

getting the image URL would still be more useful.

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