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Variable Purchase Pixel Facebook


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Hello guys, I implemented the facebook pixel on a prestashop site via GTM. So far everything is fine, it tracks everything very well, only that when I go to set the "purchase" event, I am not recognized the parameter relating to the order total and therefore I cannot see the final price in the event. On the order confirmation page, the variable assigned to the order total is {$ totals.total.value}, but after a few days, I get the error "Invalid purchase event value parameter". Can you tell me why it is not recognized? Where am I wrong? Prestashop theme: Transformer

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  • 2 years later...

You need to assign to Purchase event a dynamic value:

fbq('track', 'Purchase', {
  value: final_price_without_currency, // This is from Facebook's docu. Not recommended
  currency: 'USD'

// You should look into your Checkout file and find the Value WithOUT currency. In my case (PS :
fbq('track', 'Purchase', {
  value: ecomm_totalvalue_tax_exc,
  currency: 'SEK'

// See the attachment to have an image of how it should look like your "Thank you"/ "Order Success" HTML page.



Where to find the Purchase value for dynamic tracking on Pixel.png

Edited by Underfunk
Code is JavaScript (GTM embeded), no HTML. The picture has a mark for the GA variable. (see edit history)
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