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Dropshipping Translation


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Hello everybody!

Have an existing dropshipping e-commerce website, and need some advice for the following:

  •  the store already has 13.800 products that are imported in two languages (English and Spanish), but now I need to translate everything, automatically, to a third language (Portuguese). Is there any reliable module(s) to do this? Be reliable I mean that doesn't need manual translation/verification.


  •  the dropshipping module used already imports some of the new products in the three languages, but I need to assure that when I import a new product the Portuguese is there no matter what (ust to make sure you are following me: the english and spanish were never a problem, the dealer only fails with the portuguese version of the products)...how could I possible do this? Can I link all the store to some module, like the same as in point 1., or maybe other?


Thank you very much for any help provided!


Best regards,



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