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Cannot change the label "State" in the address form

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Hi, I got installed Prestashop

Mi queastions is: I'm trying to set up several delivery areas within a city. My company only sells and delivery whithin a city. And there is a problem with the postal codes here in Indonesia, they are not accurate enough to rely on them, is difficult to work like that. I tried to make it using a module that calculates the delivery cost using a ZIP or the distance from the shop using Google API but I don't like te last one. So I divided the city in 4 areas, and each area has a diferent delivery fee, until here all good.

Once the customer wants to check out and write his/her address those zones are shown in the fiel "State", and I would like to translate the word "State" for "City Area" or similar, and let the drop menu to show the 4 areas I set up so the customer can choose his own.

I tried to translate from the Back Office and there is no way to do it, I even tried directly on the translation file "ShopFormsLabels.en-US.xlf" but still showing "State" in the shop.

<trans-unit id="46a2a41cc6e552044816a2d04634545d" approved="yes">
        <target state="final">City Area</target>
        <note>Line: 227</note>


There is a screenshot about how does it look, I just need to change the word "State" for another one... Anyone knows how??


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