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Error 500 back office after updating

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I recently added the new prestashop 1.7 to my store, working great, then decided to update all the outstanding modules, only 5, however after updating the backoffice has generated an error 500 page and the front office is now no longer getting to the order complete page, i've enabled debugging mode and the error i have is below.  If i rename the ps_mbo module, to ps_mbo1 the backoffice works during debugging, however front office completion page still fails and the whole backoffice site brings an error 500 when debugging mode is switched back off.

If anybody can help that would be great, its a 2 week old site moving from another platform, so as of yet i dont have a backup of the ps_mbo module.


"Unable to generate a URL for the named route "admin_mbo_catalog_module" as such route does not exist.

in var/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainerUrlGenerator.php (line 387)

appDevDebugProjectContainerUrlGenerator->generate('admin_mbo_catalog_module', array(), 0) in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Routing/Router.php (line 240)

Router->generate('admin_mbo_catalog_module', array(), 0) in src/PrestaShopBundle/Service/Routing/Router.php (line 49)

Router->generate('admin_mbo_catalog_module', array(), 0) in src/PrestaShopBundle/Routing/Converter/LegacyUrlConverter.php (line 92)

LegacyUrlConverter->convertByParameters(array()) in classes/Link.php (line 822)

LinkCore->getAdminLink('AdminPsMboModule') in classes/controller/AdminController.php (line 2048)

AdminControllerCore->getTabs('48', 3) in classes/controller/AdminController.php (line 2049)

AdminControllerCore->getTabs('43', 2) in classes/controller/AdminController.php (line 2049)

AdminControllerCore->getTabs('42', 1) in classes/controller/AdminController.php (line 2049)

AdminControllerCore->getTabs() in classes/controller/AdminController.php (line 1919)

AdminControllerCore->initHeader() in classes/controller/Controller.php (line 288)

ControllerCore->run() in classes/Dispatcher.php (line 515)

DispatcherCore->dispatch() in admin877bdt6f1/index.php (line 97)


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It's not same error, before it was ServiceNotFoundException, now its RouteNotFoundException...

Please clear cache manually by delete all folders in var/cache/ on your FTP.

I need more information, can you copy past the full error in private message ?


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Hi, I have the same issue, I've changed the ps_mbo.php I've deleted all the folders in var/cache, and after doing this I still have the same issue :

"You have requested a non-existent service "mbo.tab.collection.provider"."


And if I change the ps_mbo foder to ps_mbo.bak it works but I can't access to the module manager in the backoffice.


How can I solve this please ?



bug bo.PNG

Edited by ClémentP08
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I have the same issue :(  I uploaded the ps_mbo v2.0.1 and still had issues so I renamed the folder to ps_mbo.bak but now I cannot access the module catalog, I get the message The controller AdminPsMboModule is missing or invalid. 

Hopefully someone can help on this! Not sure if I should open a new thread about it.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...
  On 5/28/2020 at 8:59 PM, Matt75 said:


I'm sorry to know that you encountered an issue with this module.

You can find a fix here: https://github.com/PrestaShopCorp/ps_mbo/pull/96/files

This problem seems to occur when the server cache did not update according to my tests.

Good night


Hi Matt,

Thanks for your help. I have read your answer but I don't understand what's the solution. I am a beginner with no experience with coding. 

Do I need to change the code and replace the file?

The instructions are not the same of my ps_mbo.php


Thanks again


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  • 1 year later...

This morning I found an update of a prestashop module (PrestaShop Marketplace in your Back Office) and after some cache errors I was locked out of everything, no admin, no shop (Prestashop

Looking into the log I found



app.ERROR: Exceptie gegooid door module ps_mbo op actie upgrade. Failed to copy the whole content of "/data/sites/web/ramblingrosenl/www/var/cache/prod/sandbox/64717ba5ae2d6/ps_mbo/vendor/prestashop/circuit-breaker/tests/Storage/DoctrineCacheTest.php" to "/data/sites/web/ramblingrosenl/www/modules/ps_mbo/vendor/prestashop/circuit-breaker/tests/Storage/DoctrineCacheTest.php" 


I renamed the directory ps_mbo to ps_mbo.err and I could get back in. 

Is there anything within that directory I can remove/repair to bring that directory safely back into play? I suppose I am locket out now from any further updates etc.?


I meanwhile placed a backup of that directory back and after clearing the cache everything seems back to normal again. The update for that specific module is also back but I do not dare to update again.


Edited by ramblingrose (see edit history)
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  • 9 months later...
  On 5/28/2020 at 8:59 PM, Matt75 said:


I'm sorry to know that you encountered an issue with this module.

You can find a fix here: https://github.com/PrestaShopCorp/ps_mbo/pull/96/files

This problem seems to occur when the server cache did not update according to my tests.

Good night


Hello, have faced with same issue when tried an update

is there any one can offer a service for fixing an issues?


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