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Plain text in e-mails

Robert Surma

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I am using PrestaShop 1.7.6 and the format of my messages is set to plain text. Unfortunately, when I send a message to a client, it has elements of HTML code, for example:

Dear Customer, <br /> First line of text<br /> Second line of text <br /> Regards, <br /> <br /> - <br /> Robert <br /> Customer service <br />

When I set the format to "BOTH" - the HTML message is displayed correctly, but the plain text message still has HTML elements.

How to fix it?

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Open email template template-name.txt and delete <br />

Or open your email template in administration and translations and edit the txt version.


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Guest, thanks for your reply, but there are no HTML elements in my message template, just plain text.

I solved my problem in a strange and stupid way, but it works:
I changed the content of the nl2br function in the classes/Tools.php.

It was

public static function nl2br($str)
        return str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n", AddressFormat::FORMAT_NEW_LINE, PHP_EOL), '<br />', $str);

Now is

public static function nl2br($str)
        return str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n", AddressFormat::FORMAT_NEW_LINE, PHP_EOL), "\n", $str);

I suppose this problem can be solved in a better way, but I don't know how at this moment.

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